Friday, January 7, 2005

More Son of Headline News Returns Again

From ABC News:
Mandela Lauded for AIDS Disclosure on Son
Arafat family still mum

From ABC News:
Pa. Boy, 13, Scores Perfect 1600 on SAT
But still a virgin

From ABC News:
Jury Seated in Graner Prisoner Abuse Case
Had to stand for first two weeks of trial

From ABC News:
Yates Lawyers Won't Seek Her Freedom
Attorneys: "Bitch crazy"

From ABC News:
Competing in the 'Obesity Olympics'
Marathon of 2002 games expected to finish next week

From ABC News:
Bush Says Four Iraqi Areas Pose Voting Challenges
Northern Iraq, Southern Iraq, Eastern Iraq, Western Iraq

From ABC News:
Annan Stunned at Indonesia Devastation
Asks "Does anyone else know about this?"

From ABC News:
Amid Asia's Crisis, Congo Gets Little Aid
Media spokesman: "Perhaps if they had some blond-haired kid we could take pictures of ..."

From ABC News:
Sexual Abuse by UN Troops in Congo Still Going On
U.N. spokesman: "Perhaps if they had some blond-haired kid we could take pictures of ..."

From ABC News:
Colombia Cocaine Purge Drives Up Peru Drug Output
Capitalism taking root in South America

From ABC News:
Judge Tosses United Airlines, Pilots Pact
Couldn't find salad

From ABC News:
Experts Say Low-Carb Craze May Be Over
Also suspect this "Internet thing" just passing fad

From ABC News:
Johnny Ramone Gets Statue in Cemetery
It's to die for

From ABC News:
Lately, fans shunning once-hot Kobe jersey
Bryant urged to rape another white woman

From ABC News:
Pirates and Jack Wilson Agree to Terms
The Dread Pirate Roberts gets new first mate

From ABC News:
Thais Fear Ghosts on Island
Seeking Scooby-Doo's telephone number

From AJC:
Coke confirms new cola
Will consist of water with sweeteners and flavorings

From AJC:
Jones says job is No. 1
Auburn, Southern California dispute

From CNN:
'Fear Factor' sued for rat-eating episode
In future, show will only air on sets with other channels, off button

From CNN:
Judge: Listerine not same as flossing
Judge also rules "Fire hot"

From CNN:
Going downhill has health benefits
You'll be in perfect health by the time you die

From CNN:
King Tut's mummy scanned
UPC invalid, price look-up requested

From CNN:
Giant tortoise adopts baby hippo
Gay couples encouraged by news

From CNN:
Microsoft offers free security program
Gates touts: Worth every penny

From CNN:
In Texas, man gets 4 mos. for killing wife, 15 yrs for wounding man
Jury: "Bitch needed killing"

From CNN money:
The $6,000 shower curtain returns
UPN version of Six-million Dollar Man a hit

From NewsNet 5:
Man Offers $5,000 For Suspects In Shooting Of Wife
Robert Blake accepts offer, cites experience

1 comment:

  1. Big Sis (who's only 5'4")January 7, 2005 at 3:26 PM

    Should you have spilled the beans about the coke?


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