Friday, June 17, 2005

Headline News: 6/17/2005

From ABC News:
UC Researchers Explore Spread of Mad Cow
Hillary's weight gain probed

From CNN:
Father guilty of killing 9 of his children
Jury rejects "Kids-Mother-Was-A-Bitch" defense

From CNN:
An emotional graduation for Holocaust survivors
Thankful air conditioner wasn't on full-blast

From CNN:
Survey: Siberian tiger populations appear stable
Unlike Dick Durbin

From CNN:
Britney Spears No. 1 name used by hackers
Makes for awkward first dates

From CNN:
Autopsy: No sign Schiavo abused
Coroner: 10-year-old bruises would have remain, he's just certain

From CNN:
Gephardt to join law firm
It was coming apart

From CNNmoney:
Ford gives employees cash to sell cars
New plan called "sales commission" might catch on in rest of industry

From WPLG:
Police: Molester lured girls with games
Michael Jackson: "Someone molests little girls? That's sick."

From KETV:
Man's slogan: Will 'work for wife'
This guy's going to mess it up for all of us


  1. MoeBetta Headlines 06/17/05

    MoeBetta Headlines 06/17/05

  2. Friday

    Iowa Hawk: From the Desk of Senator Dick GOP and the City : Wash Out Caption Contest Satire: Peugot Makes Suicide Cars Wizbang: My Ordeal in New England's Guantanamo Nickie Goomba: Wall Street: GM Headed for Financial Disaster basil's...


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