Thursday, June 23, 2005

Headline News: 6/23/2005

From ABC News:
Radio Contest Winner Sues Over Candy Bar
Later told she won a Baby Ruth, now wants child

From ABC News:
Ex-Klansman gets 60 years for civil rights killings
Victim's family disappointed, wanted 80-year-old killer to get life sentence

From ABC News:
Saudi Terror Suspect Said Killed in Iraq
Media still calls them "Iraqi insurgents"

From ABC News:
Supreme Court Rules Cities May Seize Homes
'The Shield' season finale to be re-written

From ABC News:
New Bug Chewing Ash Tree Leaves in North Dakota
... Arrives In South Dakota

From ABC News:
Rumsfeld calls deadline for Iraq pullout a mistake
Democrats counter: "It worked in Vietnam. Oh. Wait. Nevermind."

From CNN:
Beyonce: Don't call it a breakup
Prefers 'Dumping their no-talent asses'

From KITV:
Possum found on flight from California
George Jones has no idea how he got there

From WDIV:
Gunman Leaves Clue In Gas Station Robbery
Made off with Monopoly, Chutes & Ladders

From KPRC:
Suspected killer makes tearful surrender
Saw it working for Harry Reid


  1. Democrats counter: "It worked in Vietnam. Oh. Wait. Nevermind."

    Only error in the post: It DID work for them.

  2. Happy Birthday, Riley!

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Stop the ACLU Thursday ... and it is Riley's Birthday!

  3. I thought we set a timetable for pulling out of Vietnam, then when we began the pullout, the North came south and overran South Vietnam. So I don't think it worked. Of course, I'm going from memory, and as I was in high school when it happened, I may have missed something.

  4. basil,

    I am glad to hear people back home know that the vast majority of bad guys here in Iraq are not Iraqis. we call them Anit-Iraqi Forces for a reason.

  5. Thursday

    GOP and the City : Kerry To Run Again In 18,000 Years Nickie Goomba: PETA Animal Cruelty Scandal Continues to Unfold Basil's Blog: Headline News IMAO: Manufactured with Pride in the USA The Owner's Manual: A drink from the...

  6. Mustang 23:
    The good news is that many know it. The bad news is that many, to suit their own desires and goals ignore or deny this fact. And many of those make that particular Headline true. And that's really not funny.


  7. Thursday

    GOP and the City : Kerry To Run Again In 18,000 Years Nickie Goomba: PETA Animal Cruelty Scandal Continues to Unfold Basil's Blog: Headline News IMAO: Manufactured with Pride in the USA The Owner's Manual: A drink from the...

  8. The "gunman leaves clue in gas station robbery" spoof was brilliant. I'm still laughing. :)


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