Monday, July 4, 2005

Headline News: 7/4/2005

From ABC News:
Maverick Gaddafi calls for borderless Africa
'Dictators Without Borders' inspired by 'Doctors Without Borders'

From ABC News:
Goof Puts Man in Major Poker Tourney
Will compete against the Poker-Playing Dogs

From ABC News:
Apology doesn't totally compensate client - lawyer
Adds: "Besides, you ever try to take 1/3 of an apology as payment?"

From ABC News:
Ewan McGregor Makes Plea to G-8 Leaders
Defends actions: "The Force has a strong effect on the weak-minded"

From New York Times:
For the First Time a Spacecraft Impacts With Comet [BugMeNot]
NASA got blowing up spacecraft out of system, ready for safe shuttle flight

From New York Times:
Journalists Say Threat of Subpoena Intensifies
Decry decision that subjects to same laws as 'ordinary people'

From New York Times:
An Appreciation: A Seducer in Song, No Lechery Required
... but it is welcome

From New York Times:
Michael Winterbottom Gets Naked
Froze his ass off

From Washington Post:
Filibuster Deal Could Put Democrats in a Bind
Kennedy disagrees: "We had our fingers crossed"

From Washington Post:
Bush faces political risk with Supreme Court choice
Bad choice could cost him a third term

1 comment:

  1. Long Weekend

    basil's blog: Headline News The Skwib: The Lost PowerPoint Slides (4th of July Edition) Nickie Goomba: Chicago-Area Man to Sue NASA After Comet Damaged Scrappleface: Kennedy Slams Unnamed Supreme Court Nominee Iowa Hawk: Stop Questioning My Patriotism...


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