Thursday, September 1, 2005

The American Red Cross

Donate to the American Red Cross.Today is Hurricane Katrina Blog Relief Day. If you want to help, I'm suggesting the American Red Cross. Yes, there are many, many worthwhile charities that are offering assistance. But when I think of disaster relief, I think of the Red Cross. If you have a charity you support that will assist, by all means, continue that support. But if you are uncertain, consider the American Red Cross. But do help.

1 comment:

  1. I have made a customized EMERGENCY type search engine that links only to crisis situation type websites (like relief aide, evacuation planning layouts, crisis management setup and others relating to disasters caused by terrorism, natural disasters, poverty, disease and man-made war), see :)

    My first nonprofiting humanitarian project was which only covers resources for those living homeless (I had suffered homelessness a few times as a youth). I will try to come up with other helping humanity type portals as I can afford too...


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