Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Picnic 2006-02-22

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. Debunking Port Myths: VIDEO...

    Still unsure of the fear-facts you've gleaned from MSM? Here's an excellent Video which (hopefully) answers simple questions (myths) held by those (against the intelligence of our administration)... All filed spontaneous lawsuits in the hopes of tyin...

  2. Fair Tax Blogburst...

    Today marks the first Fair Tax Blogburst jointly produced by Publius Rendezvous and The Right Track Blog. I agree that it if high time to replace the current tax code with a retail sales tax as described in the best selling book by Congressman John L...

  3. Does It All Go Back to Immigration?...

    “American hegemony” is not “the cause” of hatred toward the West. Rather, it is the intolerance and lack of self control on the part of the haters of The Great Satan — which just happens to be the most tolerant nation on ...

  4. The PERV Report...

    Founder and President of the local chapter of P.E.R.V., Samantha held a called special exclusive private closed executive select committee meeting of the P.E.R.V. secret society today....

  5. World’s Largest Windows Error Message...

    Click on the thumbnail for the rest of the story.
    Snickering over at Basil’s Picnic


  6. 7 Babies Parachuting (Music Video)...

    Today's video features seven babies jumping out of the Jefferson Airplane to land on someone a lot better looking than Grace Slick. The re-mix is great. Enjoy. (Downside of Metacafe is it just plays on its own)...

  7. UNO Communist Professor...

    Progressive Editor to Present Lecture Feb. 23
    Matthew Rothschild, editor of The Progressive, will speak at UNO Thursday, Feb. 23. His lecture is titled “The Case for Impeachment.” The event, which is free and open to the public, will begin...


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