Sunday, February 26, 2006

Picnic 2006-02-26

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. [...] Unrelated: Basil's Blog Posted by Bachman Filed in News [...]

  2. Thirteen Years...

    On this day 13 years ago, Islamic terrorists attacked the World Trade Center. Six people were killed. More than 1,000 were injured. The bomb went off at 12:18PM....The six people who were murdered in the first major Islamic terrorist attack on US soi.....

  3. Don Knotts Tribute...

    He was a West Virginian, so with the death of Don Knotts, I owe him a tribute with videos....

  4. It’s All About the Gold...

    Sometimes we humans love to ascribe motives to our undertakings that are far less magnanimous then we pretend - not always, but sometimes. Following are several examples of such noble causes.


  5. Shifting Sectarian Violence...

    Much patience is needed for the evolution of Liberty in Iraq: Let us not forget: 12/13/05: The Iraqis were aided by marksmen, in order to vote.
    As the effectuality of enforcements increase, so too, does a new way of lawfulness, through Judicial reco.....


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