Sunday, April 9, 2006

Picnic 2006-04-09

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.

  • Graumagus (Frizzen Sparks) says it's not nice to insult public figures, but ...

  • Travis Benning (Metaphysically Wrinke Free) suffers from two of the worst diseases bloggers can suffer

  • Contagion (Miasmatic Review) finally got full access at work. Didn't help.

  • GOP And The City hosts the Celebrity Moonbat Death Match

  • The Minister of Propaganda (Naked Villainy) wonders how the right will respond to Dubya authorizing leaks

  • Interested-Participant has word of a Muslim being investigated for being a Muslim

  • Down for Repairs looks at Nagin's latest

  • Neanderpundit says there are no simple solutions to immigration because the problem isn't simple

  • Starboard!!! has word on new Americans already fighting for America

  • BatesLine says Anaheim may have the solution to many cities' problems

  • Buckley F. Williams (The Nose On Your Face) reports the proper handling of the ungrateful

  • Taleena (Sun Comprehending Glass) shares her buns with you

  • Blog interviews information is available here.


  1. Remember the Sabbath...

    Linked to Basil's Blog....

  2. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup...

    And a beautiful Sunday it is. The Sun is shining, the birds are chirping, it’s an odd day, so I can wash my car without getting a ticket. Oh, and Iran is in the scopes:
    The Bush administration is studying options for military strikes against Ira...

  3. Why “Palm Sunday”?...

    We’ve finally arrived at the culmination of Lent: Holy Week. Did you ever wonder why exactly this is called Palm Sunday, or about the history behind this symbol of stateliness and honor?


  4. NBC's stilted news plots...

    In attempting to fabricate reports of "Islamophobia", NBC did little more than to embarrass themselves by trying to frame NASCAR fans as such. Michelle Malkin was forwarded a newsletter in which it was said that NBC were looking for Muslim males to p...

  5. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are Mary Ellen Beatty and The Florida Board of Medicine....

  6. Truth is stranger than fiction, this week, on the political Twilight Zone....

    With this match-up, I’ve gotta be betting on Rep. Ada Smith over Rep. Cynthia McKinney, despite the 10 year age difference, simply because using a cleaver on staff and having to be maced by police is far more frightening than smacking an officer...


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