Monday, April 10, 2006

Picnic 2006-04-10

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. The Perfect Blogpost...

    I can recall a time when...especially back during college days...I would dream a great chess game, some calculus equations or the answer to a particular melodic or harmonic challenge. I’d awaken and…


  2. Illegals Steal Jobs Americans Want...

    Some folks may think I’ve been a little squishy on illegal immigration. I’ve heard very persuasive arguments on either side of the conservative debate. But news like this really fries my eggs.


  3. congrats!!! him and his wife are back together

  4. Crackhead Blames Al Gore...

    LOL. This is so funny.
    Warning: bad language, site possibly NSFW. But, priceless! Click the link, new window.

    Watch Video:
    Al Gore's Fault
    Linked to Basil's Picnic...

  5. A Grim Anniversary...

    Yesterday marked a grim anniversary in our Nation’s history. On April 9th, 1942, some 75,000 Filipino and US Soldiers commanded by Major General Edward P. King, Jr. formally surrendered to the Japanese, under General Masaharu Homma. The ...

  6. The Chronicle of Higher Ed: Painted Ladies Gone Wild...

    The Chronicle of Higher Education arrived in my mail box. In plastic wrap. But it should be covered in brown paper. Remember, Your Business Blogger subscribes for the articles. But I can always count on The Chronicle to titillate. Here's......


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