Saturday, April 8, 2006

Rachel (Tinkerty Tonk)

Today, we're happy to have Rachel of Tinkerty Tonk taking questions...

The panel is ready with their questions...

First question?...

What's the best thing about blogging?

Readers; I couldn't believe it when I actually started acquiring them. And I get pretty near instant feedback, which is a boon for those of us who like instant gratification. And that would be me.

What's the capital of North Dakota?


Would you rather spend a day with Winston Churchill or Abraham Lincoln? And why?

Winston Churchill. I like the fact that he lounged about the White House naked while drinking brandy. I also liked it when he told the then-King of Saudi Arabia--after being told that a luncheon for the King would have to be alcohol- and tobacco-free--that "if it was the religion of His Majesty to deprive himself of smoking and alcohol I must point out that my rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them." What's not to love?

Recommend a book.

Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian. Actually the whole 20-book series, which I consider one work. It's got history, drama, war and great characters.

Who's the greatest character in all of literature?

Jeeves, a recurring character in PG Wodehouse books and short stories.. He's a genius and a paragon of dignity and decorum. And Machiavelli's got nothing on him when it comes to ruthlessness.

What's the best thing about the U.N.?

Its location on the East River.

What's the worst thing about the U.N.?

Everything else.

What's your favorite passage of Scripture?

Wither thou goest, I will go
Wither thou lodgest, I will lodge
Thy people shall be my people
Wither thou goest, I will go.

Ruth, 16-17.

If you were offered $10,000,000 to live in a house with no computer, phone, TV, radio, newspaper, or human contact, would you?


If not, how much would it take?

No human contact rather negates the need for $10 million, doesn't it? And no computer etc? I wouldn't do it at any price. I don't think I could do it.

If so, what music would you take to listen?

Funeral music.

What's the best thing you ever wrote for a blog?

I don't know. It seems like everytime I write something that I think is really great, it'll pass thru the blogosphere with nary a comment. Then I'll dash off something in a minute or two, get a zillion comments, links, what have you. I did rather like a couple of piece I wrote on dictionaries and encyclopedias respectively, though.

Who is your favorite musician / favorite band?

Depends on my mood. For Christmas I got a great boxed set of jazz standards featuring artists like Rosemary Clooney and Peggy Lee. So I've been listening to that a lot. Which leads me to break out the Sinatra. Also, just last week I saw My Best Friend's Wedding, which has a great soundtrack of Burt Bacharach tunes--before he became relevant. So that led me to seek out those Dionne Warwick originals. I like that bright pop-py, happy stuff.

What's the most Redneck / White trash thing you've ever done?

I used to drive my son to school wearing my robe and slippers. Does that count?

What's your favorite musical?

My Fair Lady.

Next week, it's Buckley F. Williams (The Nose On Your Face) and Taleena (Sun Comprehending Glass) taking questions.

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