Monday, September 11, 2006

Headline News 2006-09-11

From ABC News:
Anna Nicole Smith's Son, 20, Dies in Bahamas
Cause of death: embarrassment

From ABC News:
Where Is Osama Bin Laden?
New children's book outsells "Where's Waldo?"

From ABC News:
Sleep-Deprived Panda Accidentally Crushes Cub
Bush blamed

From ABC News:
Trio Accused of Gunpoint Prayer Session
Methodist Jihad underway

From ABC News:
Woman in Wheelchair Shoots Alleged Mugger
To be charged in drive-by shooting

From ABC News:
'Rabbits' Appear on Vermont Roads
Bullwinkle's missing hat found

From ABC News:
Victim's Father Seeks O.J. Simpson's Name
Wants to be known as "That Damned Killer O.J." Goldman

From ABC News:
Al-Zawahri: Gulf, Israel Next Targets
Renews fears that violence may come to those peaceful regions

From ABC News:
In the Battle of the White Meats, Pork Wins Low-Fat Fight
Jesse Jackson calls study 'racist'

From ABC News:
Emma Thompson Gets Inside Ferrell's Head
Finds nothing


  1. You missed the clue, Columbo.

    1. Anna Nicole Smith's Son, 20, Dies in Bahamas

    2. Sleep-Deprived Panda Accidentally Crushes Cub

    I rest my case

  2. Monday's...

    Right Jokester: Shock and Awe Point Five: Harvard Outrage as Khatemi Suggests Women Less Able At Science, Math Basil's Blog: Headline News IMAO: Progressive Lessons from 9/11 Semi-Open Trackbacks: If you have something funny to share, link to this......

  3. What is going on with Anna Nicole? She seems to be headed downhill again. I bet she's all drugged up again. :(


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