Friday, December 22, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-12-22

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. Joy ride to Jail...

    Some news from the Sun-Sentinel.

    Missing in Margate: One fire-rescue truck.

    An apparent joyrider found the truck sitting in front of Fire Station No. 1 on Friday morning with the keys in the ignition and took off westbound on Park Drive.....

  2. Muzzies Send Quran To Va Congressman...

    Their next shipment will be a sword
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Responding to Congressman Virgil Goode's (R-VA-5th Dist.) uncomplimentary statements concerning Muslims and immigration, MAS Freedom's Executive Director se...

  3. "Flogs"...

    From AFP; Laurence Benhamou: The curtain has been pulled on a deceptive new advertising tactic in which companies camouflage ads as product praise in online postings masquerading as independent blogs. Several companies have been exposed for launching f...

  4. The World Doth Protest Little (too late?)...

    Africa, the template for Islamic States formation. These take-overs leave otherwise strong rulers silenced; and the World community in disbelief....


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