Friday, December 1, 2006

Headline News 2006-12-01

From ABC News:
Lindsay Lohan's publicist fires back at media
Tells reporters: "It's not nice to make fun of the retarded"

From ABC News:
NY Cracks Down on Illegal Mystery Meats
Legal Mystery Meats still rampant

From ABC News:
Teen Accused of Nude Drive-Thru Ordering
Ordered a Fur-burger and a side of thighs

From ABC News:
W.Va. City's Xmas Scene Has No Jesus
X-ing of Christ complete

From ABC News:
Alligator Soup Raises Eyebrows in China
Donovan McNabb refuses to promote new Campbell's Chunky flavor

From ABC News:
Legally Blind Woman, 94, Bowls a 244
Was knocking everything over at home anyway

From ABC News:
Democrats Like Iraq Commission's Report
Tastes like chicken

From ABC News:
No honeymoon for Mexico's new leader
America still expects to get screwed

From ABC News:
Now in control, Democrats seek unified war strategy
Seek help from France in coordinated surrender

From ABC News:
Gene Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction?
KISS bassit offers to help wives of afflicted men


  1. [...] As readers would know if they read that about thing, I’ve been blogging for a while via One of the delights is a blogger in Georgia named Basil, whose takes on the news headlines are often hilarious and seldom politically correct. For an example, try Friday’s roundup. [...]

  2. [...] UPDATE: Today’s Wall Street Journal carries a far less appetizing portrait (less than this story prompted by a government agency in search of justification - hat tip, Basil) of Seattle’s system on its front page. [...]


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