Monday, March 3, 2008

Food for the Soul

This past weekend, we went to southeast and northeast Georgia, visiting relatives. The children, actually. Plus my grandmother.

Sunday was the day we went to Athens to visit The Little Princess.

We got there just before she was about to head out to a movie. A movie she really didn't want to see.

You see, Larry Munson, the Voice of the Georgia Bulldogs, has a group of UGA students that he goes with to the movies on Sundays. And The Little Princess is in that group.

But she didn't want to see the movie that day.

The Wife and I had a little something to drop off with her, and she said she wasn't all that interested in going to that day's film.

I offered lunch. At Weaver D's.

During a visit to Athens, a visit to Weaver D's is ... well ... automatic.

Only, it was Sunday. And Weaver D's was closed.

So, The Little Princess suggested we go to Food For The Soul.

Food For The SoulSo, we did.

Now, Weaver D's ... as well as Food For The Soul ... are soul food restaurants.

I never understood about soul food. It's supposed to be southern Black food.

It became a popular phrase in the 1960s, and was used to refer to food that Blacks ... southern Blacks, in particular ... ate.

I never understood that.

You see, at Food For The Soul, I had pork chops, fried shrimp, creamed corn, macaroni & cheese, corn bread, green beans. The Little Princess had some of that, plus broccoli & rice casserole, while The Wife's meal included collards, cabbage, candied sweet potatoes, strawberry short cake.

And, it was all good. Very good.

Anyway, that's supposed to be soul food.

And, I guess it is.

You see, my whole family's been eating like that our whole life.

Soul food, if you want to call it that, isn't exactly southern Black food.

It's food.


  1. Basil:

    We found your blog as we were searching for a review of Food For The Soul.

    My husband + I have passed this eatery on our long walks around Athens and hadn't heard/read anything about this place - until now.

    We must try it out soon, very soon! :)



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