Friday, September 18, 2009

You made Nancy cry

Yesterday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi answered a question from a reporter about whether anti-government rhetoric posed a threat of domestic violence. And, in her answer, she choked back tears: [YouTube link] After watching that video, I had a few thoughts: Pelosi thinks San Francisco is typical. If I thought most of America would act like San Franciscans, I'd cry too. When Pelosi thinks of a violent political event, she thinks of Milk. I think of MLK. Reporters think anti-government rhetoric is a threat only if the government is run by liberals. Reporters don't remember the anti-government rhetoric or the violent anti-government protests of the 1960s. You right-wingers made Nancy Pelosi cry. I am so proud.

1 comment:

  1. Reporters don’t remember the anti-government rhetoric or the violent anti-government protests during Bush's term


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