Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The "Best" Movies: Recap, part 8

I've been doing a rundown of the "best" movies (details about the list are here). I've given a brief review of 70 of the films on the list. Here are the next 10:
  • Giant
    #82 Top 100 (1998)
    I think this was about oil. Or Mexicans. I'm not sure. I don't remember. And the fact that I don't remember much about it says a lot. I know more trivia about the film than I remember from the plot. Like this was James Dean's last role and Nick Adams re-dubbed some of his lines after Dean's death. Oh, and Elizabeth Taylor's daughter was older than her.
  • Gigi
    Best Picture (1958)
    Forgettable film with two unforgettable songs: "Thank Heaven for Little Girls," and "I Remember It Well."
  • Gladiator
    Best Picture (2000)
    I bet he was.
  • Going My Way
    Best Picture (1944)
    Bing Crosby film. If you like Bing Crosby films, you'll like it. I suppose. I didn't think much of it. Wasn't bad. But wasn't great. It did have the song "Swinging on a Star" -- which won Best Song at the Oscars that year, beating out Judy Garland's "The Trolley Song"
  • Gone with the Wind
    #4 Top 100 (1998)
    #6 Top 100 (2007)
    #4 Epics
    Best Picture (1939)
    Saw this in the theatres back in the 1960s, during a rerelease. The fact that it won the Best Picture Oscar in 1939 says something. 1939 was the best year ever for movies. Look at the film that were nominated, and didn't win, that year: Dark Victory, Goodbye, Mr. Chips, Love Affair, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Ninotchka, Of Mice and Men, Stagecoach, The Wizard of Oz, and Wuthering Heights. In any other year, any of those could have won.
  • Goodfellas
    #94 Top 100 (1998)
    #92 Top 100 (2007)
    #2 Gangster movie
    Should have won the Oscar in 1990 (Dances With Wolves won). Violent, but a great film.
  • Grand Hotel
    Best Picture (1932)
    It was okay. This is the movie where Garbo tells the Baron "I want to be alone."
  • Groundhog Day
    #8 Fantasy
    I enjoyed this movie, and do every time I see it. Oh, and I enjoyed this movie, and do every time I see it. And, by the way, I enjoyed this movie, and do every time I see it.
  • Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
    #99 Top 100 (1998)
    Tracy and Hepburn's last movie together. Filmed when interracial marriage was illegal in 1/3 of the states, but released when it was legal in all 50 states. If only Bernie Mac and Ashton Kutcher had done a remake...
  • Hamlet (1948)
    Best Picture (1948)
    While it has only about 1/2 to 2/3 of the play (it's a really long play), this was a very well-done film version of the Shakespeare masterpiece. It looks like a play. A very well-done play. If you haven't seen it, see it.
I'll cover another 10 soon.

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