Monday, September 4, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-09-04

Items of interest from my blogroll.


  1. [...] Linked to- Basil’s Blog, Bright & Early, Cao’s Blog, Jo’s Cafe, Mark my Words, Right Wing Nation, [...]

  2. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Carolyn Bivens the commissioner of the LPGA tour....

  3. A-10's Great in the Offensive...

    The A-10 is employing lethal firepower when it's needed most by troops on the ground....

  4. Adam Gadahn says: convert or die...

    Adam Gadahn, the most notorious American convert to Islam and member of al Qaeda, has resurfaced with a warning to all infidels: convert to Islam or die. The video he filmed is now available at Hot Air....

  5. Too much access...

    Today's New York Times has an article about how social security numbers are being stolen. Not for gain, but illegal alien's use. I guess the Times finally got the memo....


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