- You understand that you have no right to comment. If you think you do, you're wrong. And probably a liberal who wants me to pay for your "free stuff." If so, just go away.
- Don't use excessive profanity. Things like "*******" and "#$%@&$#" are okay.
- You do not have to agree with anything I say. You should. But, some people. *sigh*
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- Keep your comments short. If you have a lot to say, say it on your own blog, and leave a short comment here with a link to your post. Don't have your own blog? Too bad. Or, get one.
- Certain HTML tags are supported. If you leave a link to a Website, include it in an anchor tag. Don't forget to use a full link, including the protocol (such as http://) or else the link won't work correctly.
- URL shortening services are acceptable for links in comments. If you don't know what that is, don't worry about it.
- Comment moderation may be enabled for posts, particularly for older posts. That's where most of the spam shows up, and comment moderation helps control that.
- Comment moderation may be enabled during times a post attracts a large number of trolls. Don't be a troll.
- A spam filter may moderate your comment. Do not leave another comment asking why the spam filter caught your comment. If you must ask, ask Google. They run the spam filter.
- When a comment is moderated, I get an email letting me know. I'll review it as soon as I can.
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Blog Policies