- William Teach (Pirate's Cove) wonders why the ACLU is absent at Duke.
- Andrew McAllister, Ph.D. (To Love, Honor and Dismay) says bloggers are people too.
- Ask your questions of Andrew McAllister, Ph.D. (To Love, Honor and Dismay) by clicking here.
- Alabama Improper now has a proper home.
- Dr. Rusty Shackleford (The Jawa Report) has the video U.S. soldiers' bodies being desecrated.
- Mark Olson (Pseudo-Polymath) responds to a response to a response ...
- Vaughn Ververs (Public Eye) defends the CBS "Free Speech" segment with the illegal immigrant.
- Napster (Pull My Finger) shows off the new digs.
- C. Ann (Purrfectly Black Cat) has pics of a cat not afraid of a vacuum cleaner.
- Jack's Shack (Random thoughts) begins a roundup of the blog's year.
- Cori (Rantingprofs) explains the absence.
- Two Dogs (Mean Ol' Meany) is looking for comments for a Lieutenant.
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Let's Cherry Pick NIE Reports ......
ReplyDeleteHere's a semi-hysterical article from the Grey Lady, howling that the war in Iraq is making Islamofascist terrorists stronger...
Clinton Goes Wild... too good to miss......
ReplyDeleteNo doubt many Dumb Ox readers will have seen this from the link on Drudge. But just in case, Clinton's rage at the vast right wing conspiracy is so laughable, with his touching and histrionics, not to mention his convoluted reasoning, biazrre re .......
Mexico Fox Complains about U.S. Crime...
ReplyDeleteViewing the ICE MAP: That's like robbing someone's home, and calling them later to complain about the type of stereo they had!...
Muslim Humor - Muslim Jokes...
ReplyDeleteI have taken it upon myself to supply the world with more Muslim jokes. It goes without saying that Muslims are perhaps the least humorous folk on Earth; whereas Jews have learned to laugh at themselves...
Good News for Mel Gibson Fans...
ReplyDeleteGood news for Mel Gibson fans: he has come out against the Iraq War, likening it to a form of "human sacrifice". Earlier this year, Gibson got in trouble for blaming Jews for most of the wars in the world.......