Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Blogrolling 2007-03-07

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. New Democrats? Right, When Pigs Fly...

    During the last campaign season we were told all about the culture of corruption and how Bella Pelosi was going to clean House when she became the mother hen. Harry Reid was going to run a tight ship in the Senate which is funny because he is as crook...

  2. [...] Constant, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Amboy Times, Dumb Ox Daily News, Adam’s Blog, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven [...]

  3. [...] to The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, Adam’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Pursuing Holiness, Rightlinx, Overtaken by [...]

  4. VP Cheney and the mindless babbling of the MSM...

    Excuse me Dr. O'Donnell, VP Cheney is not your average flyer. He flies on government planes, not in a cramped commercial airliner. He can put up his legs as much as needed. So please get your head out of your rear end!

    That goes for whoever in the....

  5. TOAST IS BACK……Hot and Crispy with lots of Buttery Goodness….woot!...


    Real butter, not buttery spread, coupled with Crusty genius is a rare combination…&...

  6. It's hard to believe that we weren't just satisfied with perky...

    CBS News President, Sean McManus, is shocked, SHOCKED by the American public's reaction to the Queen of Cute and her eternally basement-dwelling newscast. While Katie and Sean were boldly going where no network has gone before, the viewers sat befuddl...

  7. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is NBA player Ron Artest....

  8. ALERT: NYT’s To Run Obama Stock Shocker! Ethics Violation?...

    From the Drudge Report, And here is the NYT link:
    Less than two months after ascending to the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama bought more than $50,000 worth of stock in two speculative companies whose major investors included some of his biggest political do...

  9. Expect The Democrats To Start Supporting The War...

    As they say, defeat is an orphan while victory has a thousand parents. Anybody that thinks the Democrats were taking a principled stand against the war, well I know this guy from Nigeria who will give you $20,000,000 if you just give him access to you...

  10. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Pro-Illegal Agenda...

    Here's part of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce agenda:
    Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens!
    Privatization of Social Security!
    Privatization of US Public schools!
    Legal Tort Reform: Diminishing the clout of trial lawyers and reducing the impact o....

  11. Global Warming Today: The 17,000...

    Don't you just love that meme, that "everyone believes in global warning (as caused by Mankind)," which of course refers to the fact feeling that every scientist backs man and CO2 causing it? But, is that really true? No (via The Anchores...

  12. [...] Nelson’s Website, third world county, Big Dog’s Weblog, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil’s blog, Overtaken by Events, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Pursuing Holiness, Right Voices, and [...]

  13. …All Others Pay Cash...

    You can trust all people some of the time, and some people all of the time - and it now appears the U.S. Mint falls in category 1.
    An unknown number of the 300 million recently-minted George Washington dollar coins entered circulation missi...

  14. Seymour Hersh is an Idiot...

    If you listened to the show you would also have heard Hersh declaring that Hezbollah defeated Israel in the Israel-Lebanon War last Summer. Yeah, they're no longer speaking Hebrew in Israel. What a maroon! Reasononline does a good job of dismantlin...

  15. Iraq: Jihadist Perspectives on a U.S. Withdrawal...

    I haven't had time to fully digest this yet (grading midterms and such), but figured I'd post it since it can be posted in entirety with attribution. Iraq: Jihadist Perspectives on a U.S. Withdrawal By Fred Last week, the...

  16. Al Gore's Convenient Oscar...

    Al Gore won an Oscar for his movie 'An Inconvenient Truth'. This was a lock, of course, because all the beautiful people in tinsel town are environmentally sensitive and love the beauty of nature....

  17. New Weapon Against Global Warming...

    Easy to be Green is the company that sells those carbon footprint offsets that the hollywood-types are using so they can continue their opulent lifestyles without guilt. They are really working double duty coming up with ways to separate you from you.....

  18. [...] Perri Nelson’s Website, The Virtuous Republic, The Random Yak, Big Dog’s Weblog, basil’s blog, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, third world [...]

  19. Ann Coulter would have a word for this...

    Apparently Ann's trigger finger is a bit too itchy and she missed a much better target for her attempted joke/teaching moment....

  20. Truth and Hope Report: Would Jesus Be Disappointed...

    Tonight, I talk about how John Edwards commits two prime theological errors in a claim that "Jesus would be disappointed." Then we turn to liberal towns that think they can impeach the president, jurors that don't stick by their verdicts, Kos' obse...

  21. [...] @, The Virtuous Republic, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, [...]

  22. The Warren Township student sex scandal gets stonewalled then defended: No danger to the kids says attorney for the State DOE...

    And that bugs the hell out of me. Once again the public school system has stepped in front of the families and decided what is and isn't appropriate. They have become the moral conscience of the families, not the parents.

    And if there is any burn...

  23. Rosie O’Donnell versus American Idol...

    Trouble is brewing between Rosie O’Donnell and American Idol on Fox. Rosie has been throwing her weight around lately, but stacking her weight against the enormity of American Idol’s ratings results in an even match on a pound per pound ba...

  24. WED MAR 7 Great Cats I Have Known...

    This Weeks Soldier Was Suggested By SJ Reidhead

    Cpl. Jennifer Parcell 20 years old from Bel Air, Maryland Combat Logistics ......

  25. 03/08/07: World Opinion...

    If a poll of 27 different countries concludes that the United States should jump in a lake, that doesn't mean it's a good idea.......


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