
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Picnic Lunch: 11/22/2005

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  1. Indiana Illegals to Demand Driver's Licenses

    Illegals are planning to march on December 12th in Indianapolis to demand their "rights" to obtain driver's licenses.

  2. Guess Who's Not Coming To Dinner?

    The latest poll to come out of Quinnipiac University is a little foul. Even though he has a 75% approval rating, Mayor Bloomberg is not high on New Yorkers plans for Thanksgiving dinner.

  3. Glitter may face firing squad death

    HO CHI MINH CITY (Evening Standard) - Disgraced Seventies rock star Gary Glitter could face death by firing squad after he was accused of having sex with a girl aged just 12, police said.
    Sexual intercourse with a 12-year old regardless of whether th...

  4. The Whole OSM Thing

    Don Surber has a round-up of reactions to the Open Source Media project. Included is the story of the co-founder left behind in the dust, a possibly-unintended snub to a major player, and more than one post about the general...

  5. Dems Call Shenanigans on Vote

    After the defeat of a motion to immediately remove troops from Iraq(u), Dems are now seeking an investigation into the way the ballot was written.

  6. "Shocking" news from FL

    Ouch...That had to hurt

  7. The Only Thing Bob Woodward Cares About

    Bob Woodward at U of VAA dear old friend, who is a reporter, emailed about the life and loyalties of reporters. He is a genuine God-fearing conservative, who loves his wife and loves his country. I will not disclose...

  8. One of the Grandmasters of Snark Speaks

    I haven't featured a "snark for today" post in a while... James Lileks Screedblog post yesterday is just toooo inspiring to neglect, though... hop on over and spike his bandwidth usage. Here's a sample

  9. The GOP’s New-found Cohones

    I was pleased to see this headline in The Washington Times today: "War foes' 'cheap talk' may bring new vote." Exerpt:
    The Republican who initiated last week's overwhelming House vote to keep U.S. troops in Iraq said he will do it again if Dem...

  10. How about this for a label?

    If you're too stupid and or impatient not to understand and obey the multiple warnings attached to this equipment, you're going to die.


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