
Monday, March 13, 2006

Picnic 2006-03-13

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. Face Facts...

    Linked at Don Surber, Basil's Blog....

  2. Censure Russ Feingold...

    Mark Noonan at Blogs For Bush is recommending that Russ Feingold be censured for his idiotic political Leftist patronization
    Given that the only possible beneficiaries of such an action are the terrorist enemeis of the United States, I believe that ...

  3. McCain and Clinton Rally IllegalsThe question tha...

    The question that I keep mulling over is "When will John McCain join Jim Jeffords and finally leave the Republican party to join with his peers Clinton, Kennedy and Schumer?"...

  4. 9/11 Finally Coming to Theatres April 28th...

    If you are like me, I get a lump in my thoat, a chill down my spine, and a strong feeling of anger everytime I see anything that reminds me of 9/11. Seeing that trailer was no different....

  5. The Hijacking of U.S. Immigration Policy...

    Who, exactly, is making U.S. immigration policy these days? That's what this citizen would like to know....

  6. India and Nukes: A Justified Double Standard...

    If Congress would somehow to reject Bush’s deal with India, the repercussions would mean serious problems down the road in our relationship with India, while it would change absolutely nothing as regards Iran.


  7. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Byron Perkins....

  8. Bye Bye Katherine Harris?...

    So what will Florida Republicans do now? You would think with the GOP controlling the State House, most statewide offices, both houses of the legislature and with a majority of state's congressmen and women that there would be plenty of candidates. N....


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