
Sunday, June 4, 2006

Picnic 2006-06-04

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.

  • Either Orr says Canada done good ... but some still don't get it.

  • Agent Bedhead says Garbage isn't trash.

  • Michael J.W. Stickings (The Reaction) is following the Toronto terrorism story. With many updates.

  • FullosseousFlap is following the Canadian story, too.

  • Jack Army wonders if a sign was put up because someone ... naaah, couldn't have been.

  • David Drake wants you to draw a pig.

  • Cathy (Sunday Morning Coffee) celebrated an anniversary recently.

  • Dragonlady has pics from the vacation.

  • Alabama Improper is such a tease.

  • Cory (core|blog) is too.

  • Phin now believes in poop up the back.

  • Sportslady (From Peaches To Beaches) can hardly wait for the season to start.

  • Redoubt (Sin City BBQ) is fed up with dirty ads.

  • Burkard (The Blog of Columbus, GA) looks at the pay differntial between Columbus police and Muscogee County deputies.

  • Jo's Cafe is waiting on the race card being played.


  1. Homegrown jihadists arrested in Toronto...

    There is a considerable terrorist threat looming in Canada, and today, there's been news of arrests made of some members. The Counterrorism Blog's got a rundown of the news, and Pajamas Media and Michelle Malkin have more updates....

  2. Comic books today suffer from Chomskyism, bigotry,...

    I don't usually write about comic books on this blog because I actually have a blog specially for that, which I call The Four Color Media Monitor (and I've also got an extra one I call The Comic Book Discrimination Dossiers), since one of the leading...

  3. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Canadian politician Joe Volpe...

  4. Five Star Hotel...

    Well, it's sort of like staying at a five star hotel. Some very dear friends have gone out of town and they asked the kids and me to house sit for them. It's only 10 minutes from my own home but I tell ya folks, it's like staying at a five star hote...

  5. What a way to celebrate your 6th birthday...

    The boy isn't physically harmed, but this type of birthday memory will never fade....

  6. Doughnuts, Beer, and Michelle Malkin...

    RightWingDuck over at IMAO made a good suggestion on how to make this picture of Michelle Malkin perfect.

    So I decided to see what I could do....

  7. Violence or Ballots: Iraq Form States!...

    Civilian sectarianism: Can an Iraqi vote be of more value than oppression under a dictator; or can bombs of insurgence serve Iraqis, more than a ballot box? The division of Iraq into states, may turn self-sabotage into loyalty...52 ways we know that .....

  8. My hometown...

    I’ve grown up in and around Birmingham, Alabama but when I was a wee tyke (early 4 and before) my hometown was Toronto, Ontario, up in Canada. I grew up with most of our family freinds living in an overwhelmingly Jewish neighborhood colloquially...


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