
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Picnic 2006-06-22

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is the news service, Reuters...

  2. Tony Soprano Hosts Sit-Down...

    Life imitates art?James Gandolfini, star of HBO's mob drama The Sopranos, is muscling into a salary dispute between two of his castmates and the cable network before production begins on the show's last batch of episodes. Gandolfini, whose own bitter...

  3. Thursday 13 - Shocking Facts Edition...

    This week's Thursday Thirteen is a compilation of 13 shocking revelations (!) that may damage my reputation in this part of the blogosphere....

  4. Murtha's Charade! Dumb Ox News and OTT (6/22/06)...

    Murtha's been scamming since the beginning of his anti-war antics to insulate himself from criminal corruption charges......

  5. The Fact Someone's a Crook Doesn't Make Their Arguments Any Less Stupid...

    Today our good friend Dumb Ox has an article about John Murtha's ethics problems. I'm sure Murtha would prefer that we extend to him a benefit of the doubt he himself does not give to the marines at Haditha. Still,......

  6. I am part of the Fellowship of the Unashamed...

    The following was written by a young African pastor and found after he died as a martyr for the Gospel.

    I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The dye has been cast. The decision has been made. I have stepped over the line. I won't look back...

  7. Homelessphobia...

    Moonbats like to refer to Conservatives as Chickenhawks because, well because they are stupid...Moonbats are Homelessphobes...more...

  8. Another auto-jihadist strikes in Long Island, NewY...

    Yet another Muslim went the violent revenge route with a car (see here and here for earlier examples), this one in Long Island. From the New York Post:...


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