Monday, July 24, 2006

Picnic 2006-07-24

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. N.A.D.S. North American Disasterologist Society...

    N.A.D.S. North American Disasterologist Society has arrived. The men with N.A.D.S. spend there time studying disasters and provide you with life saving information that...(more)...

  2. Guard the Borders: Border Blather!...

    So now we (people who want the border secured) are not only insane, and naive, but we are under the influence of drugs? These people have one argument: that border enforcement can never work.


  3. Sloth: Punny...

    Oh, man, this is so bad, it’s good


  4. Is the Post Blaming Israel?...

    I was reading Robin Wright's somewhat glowing profile of Hasan Nasrallah in yesterday's Washington Post and noticed what may be either an innocent mistake or someone really trying to shift the blame for the current conflict....

  5. Wierd, I can't seem to ping you anymore...

  6. Matt: Akismet is finding something wrong with the content. Probably a word that's commonly used by spammers. So it gets queued (moderated) until I review it. Which can be a couple of hours or so if I go to a ballgame.


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