
Monday, August 21, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-08-21

Today's items from my blogroll.


  1. Diabetes in the News...

    Diabetes in the News


  2. Ten Commandments Allowed. And Linkfest...

    I'm sure that this will drive the ACLU crazy. And probably gave the NY Times writer a serious case of the vapors
    A federal judge on Friday said a Ten Commandments monument outside a courthouse in Oklahoma could stay, rejecting arguments that it pro...

  3. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is William Bruno....

  4. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!...

    This is really too hysterically funny for words. Jason Leopold, the “investigative journalist” who took for a ride with his Karl Rove Will Be Indicted on Monday story, has just published another one, again on truthout:


  5. To any bidder...

    This is having ripple effects throughout Florida, including the job market. How do we recruit teachers to Southeast Florida if they can't afford housing?...

  6. An excellent point on immigration, then and now...

    It would seem that the usual suspects hated that one in Miami and love this one in Chicago. It couldn’t have anything to do with their voting proclivities, could it?
    Hat tip Basil.


  7. Find Fatima fotoshopped...

    A few weeks ago Osama Bin Laden told his servant Hassan to give Fatima 40 lashes then send her a burqa and tell the bitch to keep her face covered. But she kept showing up all over the place as a new victim of Zionist aggression....

  8. Three Threats to Modern Civilization...

    A liberal would look at the photo* below and say "this man looks like he's being treated professionally and will probably survive"....


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