
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-08-30

Items of interest from my blogroll.


  1. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are Liz and David Carroll Jr....

  2. Death Camp Cosmetics...

    It is so simple to see the danger to all of us in the evil we do ... unless you were birthed in secularism and are confused as to why the world isn't running right yet, in spite of the enlightenment provided by the liberal masses.


  3. Why Stop Israel from Blockading Lebanon?...

    Un Secretary Kofi Annan today called upon Israel to halt a blockade of southern Lebanon. Israel is unwilling to do so because, of course, Hezbollah has no intention of disarming. Nonetheless, if you ask me, Annan should be thanking Israel......

  4. Well This is a Revolting Predicament...

    So What's Everybody Talking About?
    August 30 - 31, 2006
    Just link and trackback to this post. Nothing to it but to do it....

  5. What is Hugo's handicap?...

    Some news from Venezuela.

    CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - The government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who has promised a socialist revolution for the poor, on Wednesday criticized an ally's move to seize two golf courses to build affordab .....

  6. [...] Others with open trackbacks: Robinik, Third World Country; Diane's Stuff; Conservative Cat; Right Wing Nation; TMH’s Bacon Bits; Basil’s Blog; Stuck on Stupid; Pursuing Holiness; Jo’s Cafe; Blue Star Chronicles [...]

  7. Iran: A Storm on the Horizon...

    I would much rather put the preemptive strike option on the table than wait to see what Iran has in store under the table. It looks like the U.S. and Israel will have to go it alone. The rest of the world is too happy with the warmth and "Security" i...


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