
Friday, April 29, 2005

Headline News: 4/29/2005

From WDIV:
Police: Suspect caught living lavishly
Killer of Mary Jo Kopechne found living in Hyannis Port, MA

From KPRC:
Teachers reprimanded for recess vote
Texas Democratic Party demands recount, says felons, dead were not allowed to vote

From ABC News:
School Mistakes Huge Burrito for a Weapon
Vindicated when it goes off an hour after meal

From ABC News:
R.I. Police Say Man Offered Steak for Sex
Defends: Only meat he had to offer

From ABC News:
Pope More Popular in Poland Than Germany
Remembers what happened when they weren't so keen on famous German back in 1939

From ABC News:
Archer Daniels Midland Earnings Miss Views
Really like Barbara Walters, but still can't set the VCR

From ABC News:
Jackson Jurors Shown Nude Boy Photos from '93 Case
Prosecutor to be arraigned to porn charges

From ABC News:
Ex-Georgia Sen. Zell Miller Hospitalized
Just found out he's still registered as a Democrat

From CNN:
FDA OKs lizard-derived diabetes drug
Daily shots replaced by eating bugs

From WCVB:
Dad upset over gay characters in book
Dr. Seuss' last book, "The Cat In The Hat Comes Out" causes controversy


  1. From ABC News:
    School Mistakes Huge Burrito for a Weapon
    Vindicated when it goes off an hour after meal

    Sounds like my lunch. It's bad enough they say my Swiss Army knife is a "weapon",and my Zippo lighter is a "weapon"...what's next..bowels?

    Geez louise,I'm all for security,but this is a tad much.

    Good stuff,Basil.That one about Teddy made me blow about 11 cents worth of vodka out my nose.When I reach $3,I'll start charging ya. ;) heh

  2. Hey, as long as I'm contributing to the economy...

  3. Breakfast with basil

    Busy yesterday so I missed this one. Crime does pay, or at least it doesn't cost some people anything. You shouldn't, ever....

  4. Breakfast with basil

    Busy yesterday so I missed this one. Crime does pay, or at least it doesn't cost some people anything. You shouldn't, ever miss checking the headlines....


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