
Thursday, May 4, 2006

Evil Glenn on Immigration

A Filthy Lie

The following contains mature subject matter and strong language. Parental guidance is suggested.

Okay mother-f***ers! Get down! You! The one that's darker than the rest. You're mine, Amigo!

Who's bringing these illegals across the border? You can talk. Or you can go to jail and learn to squeal like a pig. What's it gonna be?

His name is Glenn Reynolds. He wants Mexicans. Lots of Mexicans. And he came out here to pick them up himself.

Good choice. Now where can I find this Glenn Reynolds?

If I tell you that, my ass won't be worth d**k.

Interesting choice of words, lowlife. Lem, throw him in the cage.

Vic, I got a buddy that spends all his time on the computer. Doing something called 'bloggering' or some such. He's mentioned a guy named Glenn Reynolds. From Tennessee. Homeboy of my bud. Don't know why this Reynolds guy would be out here, though.

Well, whatever the reason, that coyote said Reynolds is in town, and we're going to round him up.

Well, if it's the same guy, I know where to find him. Let's go.

The place is just up here. As soon as we stop, let's hit it!

The sick b*****d has got to be right in here, Shane. C'mon.

Okay, Reynolds! Your ass is mine! None of your blogger buddies can help you out now. You've left the blogosphere and stepped into the Mackeysphere.


Sit tight, Mr. Pundit-guy. We'll be at the Barn in just a minute, and you and I will get to have a long talk.


Let me take a crack at him Vic.


'Heh?' 'Indeed?' You'll tell me what I want to hear or your next blog will be from San Quentin. Understand?

You own a dog?

What are you talking about?

Vic, chill out, man.

I like puppies. They make delicious smoothies. But that's not what you want to know, is it?

Tell me about the Mexicans, blogger-boy.

I'm running out of hobos. I like to kill hobos. It's fun. But there aren't as many as there used to be. So I'm importing them from Mexico.

So all those Mexicans crossing the border are here at your invitation?

Tell the truth, man. Don't tell me you don't ever order out for Mexican?

You sick son of a bitch!



  1. A couple quick notes...

    First, basil’s posting The Interview this weekend, so be sure to check in there on Saturday and Sunday (I don’t know which day I have yet). Actually, check in there today too, especially this post!

    For new bloggers, as in those whose...

  2. [...] First, basil’s posting The Interview this weekend, so be sure to check in there on Saturday and Sunday (I don’t know which day I have yet). Actually, check in there today too, especially this post! [...]

  3. hilarious again...

    this segment quickly becoming my favorite!!

  4. OMG! That was so awesome. I have been jonesing for the Shield since the end of the last season. That rocked. Vic's my hero.

  5. Filthy Round-Up: Evil Glennigration...

    Well, since Evil Glenn has an opinion on just about everything, it seems logical that he'd have one on Illegal Immigration. Unfortunately, most of his stated opinion are "Heh", "Indeed" and "Hmm" so it falls upon The Alliance to figure...

  6. Interesting post. Love the Shield and can't wait for the next season.


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