Turns out Sortapundit may have the answer: Sortapundit.
Okay, let me explain. Sortapundit (http://www.sortapundit.com/) found the new blog Sortapundit (http://sortapundit.blogspot.com/). And while he's not angry, he is a little put out.
I'm not quite sure what to do about this one? Is the name Sortapundit my intellectual property? Am I covered by copyright laws? I've been using it for over a year now, so surely I've got some sort of claim on it.
Anyway, I'm gonna leave it for the time being, and hope this guy just gives up after a few weeks. If he gets an Instalanche before me, though, there's gonna be blood.
This might be interesting. Now, Sortapundit didn't ask for help from the Blog Warriors. But, since he's one of us now, I'm thinking we might want to help him out.
Now, my sisters could tell you, and the folks I work with could tell you, and ... heck, anybody that knows me can tell you ... I like to mess with folks. Not bad. But enough to get their attention. In a friendly sorta way. Heh-heh. I said "sorta."
Anyway, here's what I did. I visited Sortapundit (http://sortapundit.blogspot.com/) and left an on-topic comment about a couple of posts. And I didn't use my Blogger log-in to leave the comment. Yes, I have one of those. What I did instead was left my name, but left http://www.sortapundit.com/ for my web site.
Now, Adam and Christopher, who run Sortapundit, seem nice enough. Of course, I've only read a few posts (they only have a few posts), so they may be serial killers, for all I know. But, I'm just wanting to get their attention a little. They've each got another blog they do with a third person, so ... well, I don't know.
Anyway, I'm thinking a little nudge might be fun. I'm not getting mean or anything. Just wanting to get their attention. After all, Sortapundit (http://www.sortapundit.com/) is on our side now.
They may see the humor in this. They may get all mad. Let's find out what happens.
Oh, and before anyone starts at me, yes, there were several "Basil's Blogs" already in existence before I started this one. But none had bothered to register a domain name. basilsblog.net was available. (Oh, and don't get cute and try to register basilsblog.com or basilsblog.org, okay?)
I looked at the top hits for "basil's blog" and found the ones that came up to be old sites that hadn't been updated. After I started, I found another "Basil's Blogs" that is current. But he uses the name "Basil's Meanderings" in addition to "Basil's Blog" so I'm not too concerned about that one.
Anyway, I'm going to give Sortapundit a hand and see what happens. Who knows? It might start a war.
What do you think?