The questioners are ready...
Now, the first question...
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! ... Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!" - Barry Goldwater
I was out in the yard as a child, and his Siamese cat and another cat were starting to go at it. The hair on their back was standing up, they were scrunched up like they were ready to pounce, here I came along, trying to get in between them to stop them from fighting.
My mom and my dad were in the garden and saw me going to get in between them and both came running out of the yard yelling "Stop! Stop!"
I came up behind the Siamese cat and reached down to soothe him. He didn't see me coming ... and when I touched him, I must have blacked out or something.
The next thing I knew, I had skin hanging off my arm and was on my way to the hosptial. They bandaged me up. But I learned my lesson about cats.
If you're a female blogger and one of your strengths is your looks, there's nothing wrong with trying to look sexy to entice guys over to your page. Nothing. At. All. If you've got it, flaunt it, and enjoy the increased traffic.Sorry, John. But "trying to look sexy" will not "entice guys over" to a blog. They've got to already be there to see the sexy pics. What it can do is bring them back. But I think the women are saying they don't want those that are ... typing with one hand? ... to be there anyway. Sexy Is Bad? Are the sexy women bloggers bad people? No, not all. Some, like Agent Bedhead and Feisty Republican Whore take a "bad girl" persona. I've met "Agent Bedhead." I've not met "Feisty Republican Whore," but I know a bit about her (yes, she's a girl; no Libertarian Girl hoax going on there). She's an attractive young lady (yes, she's cute as a button) and ... here's the kicker ... she's a good person. Who's A Whore? I guess, to some degree, from very large to very small, most of us are whores. Sex sells. Sexy works. Remember Libertarian Girl? A guy posting as a hot chick. Got busted. Still posts, though not as a hot chick anymore. But the fact is, lots of hits came from the hot chick picture he was using. John Hawkins is right: A smokin' hot picture will bring visitors back. However, I don't think the picture gets them there in the first place ... unless it's part of a BlogAd or something. But it does bring them back. I think John was saying that it's okay to use whatever is at your disposal to draw the audience. Which makes blogging much like ... professional wrestling. Characters, sometimes using their real names, sometimes using variations of their names, sometimes just making stuff up. But it's all part of the act. Part of the show. Is blogging like that? Yeah, to a degree, it is. I know of (and actually know some) bloggers who use pseudonymns. Okay, fake names. But it's a character they play. Sometimes, the character is close to the mark. Other times, it allows them to act out. I've blogged under multiple (more than one) names. Sometimes as a joke, where I was not trying to hide who I really was. But sometimes just to get some stuff out, or to try something different. But have I ever used sex to draw an audience? Yes. What else could explain all the hits we get here by way of Google searches for Jamie Lynn Spears naked?
"Can you tell us where the naval base is in Alameda?"
"Ooh, I don't think I know the answer to that. I think it's across the bay. In Alameda!"