Those of us on the right have criticized the president for his using of the current financial situation to further his socialist ideology.
Sure, this whole mess began falling apart after the Democrats took over Congress back in 2006.
And the seeds were planted by Dodd, Frank, Clinton and the other Democrats when they pressured banks to make risky loans.
And George Soros is enjoying the crisis.
And, of course, the president is spending your and my money like a drunken sailor.
And no way to pay for it. Except raising our taxes.
Or so those of us on the right thought.
Turns out, though, that it seems that Obama has a large source of income for the treasury.
"What is it?" you ask.
Simple. He's going to have all his cabinet pay their taxes. We ought to be able to bail out all his cronies, pay for everything he's proposing, and still have a budget surplus.
Turns out Obama is a genius after all, huh?
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! ... Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!" - Barry Goldwater
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
You've done it.
I've done it.
We've all done it.
Sent an email that we wish we could immediately take back, I mean. For example, hit "Reply to all" instead of just "Reply." Or noticed a mistake ... a big one ... right after sending. Or forgetting an attachment.
Google has added an "Undo" button to their Gmail application:
If only we could get an "Undo" button on the presidential election. I'm wondering how many people would hit it now?
And where else could we use an "Undo" button?
I've done it.
We've all done it.
Sent an email that we wish we could immediately take back, I mean. For example, hit "Reply to all" instead of just "Reply." Or noticed a mistake ... a big one ... right after sending. Or forgetting an attachment.
Google has added an "Undo" button to their Gmail application:
My theory (which others shared) was that even just five seconds would be enough time to catch most of those regrettable emails.Five seconds is a help. Might save me some embarrassment. Lord knows, I could use all the help I can get.
And now you can do just that. Turn on Undo Send in Gmail Labs under Settings, and you’ll see a new “Undo” link on every sent mail confirmation. Click “Undo,” and we’ll grab the message before it’s sent and take you right back to compose.
This feature can't pull back an email that's already gone; it just holds your message for five seconds so you have a chance to hit the panic button. And don't worry – if you close Gmail or your browser crashes in those few seconds, we'll still send your message.
If only we could get an "Undo" button on the presidential election. I'm wondering how many people would hit it now?
And where else could we use an "Undo" button?
The president's news conference from last night isn't getting good press.

Notice the big monitor in the back of the room. That caught some reporters off guard.
But it made me wonder.
Suppose someone hit the remote, and Obama continued to read off the screen. Would it have made for a better news conference?
Or, a more honest one?


Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.


We rob banks.


What we got here is ... failure to communicate.


I'm the king of the world!


I've always depended on the kindness of strangers.


This is my life. It always will be. There's nothing else.

Just us and the cameras ...

...and those wonderful people out there in the dark.

All right, Mr. DeMille. I'm ready for my close-up.

Notice the big monitor in the back of the room. That caught some reporters off guard.
But it made me wonder.
Suppose someone hit the remote, and Obama continued to read off the screen. Would it have made for a better news conference?
Or, a more honest one?
Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.
We rob banks.
What we got here is ... failure to communicate.
I'm the king of the world!
I've always depended on the kindness of strangers.
This is my life. It always will be. There's nothing else.
Just us and the cameras ...
...and those wonderful people out there in the dark.
All right, Mr. DeMille. I'm ready for my close-up.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Just what we need: more people not changing their underwear
The Japanese are testing "stink-free" underwear on the space station. Reuters reports that Koichi Wakata is trying them out the "J-ware":
Having served in the military, I understand first hand about being in situations where you can't change your clothes ... including socks and underwear ... on a regular basis. Even then, we washed certain areas (a "whore's bath"), even if we weren't able to change clothes. However, it was not by choice, but by circumstance. Such items would be great for those circumstances.
The thing about the Reuters report that really caught my eye? This:
Read that last sentence again: "A commercial line also is in the offing."
You'll be able to buy this stuff at Sears. Or Wal-mart.
Think about that.
This scientific breakthrough will allow some folks to go a week or more without washing their ass.
Ain't technocracy great?
What's next? J-ware socks, so you don't have to wash your feet? J-ware undershirts so you don't have to wash or use deodorant? I shudder to think what else science has in store for us.
"He can wear his trunks (underwear) more than a week," said Koji Yanagawa, an official with the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency.
Wakata's clothes, developed by researcher Yoshiko Taya, are designed to kill bacteria, absorb water, insulate the body and dry quickly. They also are flame-resistant and anti-static, not to mention comfortable and stylish.
Having served in the military, I understand first hand about being in situations where you can't change your clothes ... including socks and underwear ... on a regular basis. Even then, we washed certain areas (a "whore's bath"), even if we weren't able to change clothes. However, it was not by choice, but by circumstance. Such items would be great for those circumstances.
The thing about the Reuters report that really caught my eye? This:
The Japanese space agency plans to make the clothes available to NASA and its other space station partners once development is complete. A commercial line also is in the offing.
Read that last sentence again: "A commercial line also is in the offing."
You'll be able to buy this stuff at Sears. Or Wal-mart.
Think about that.
This scientific breakthrough will allow some folks to go a week or more without washing their ass.
Ain't technocracy great?
What's next? J-ware socks, so you don't have to wash your feet? J-ware undershirts so you don't have to wash or use deodorant? I shudder to think what else science has in store for us.
Monday, March 23, 2009
So, do we order "extra large" in order to demoralize the commies?
There's a company several miles down the road from here called Alatech. They're in Eufaula, Alabama. And they make condoms.
And they used to sell condoms to the U.S. government. To the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), to be precise.
But, according to McClatchy, that's about to end:
Which means that the U.S. is going to be buying rubbers from the Red Chinese.
And that makes sense, if you thing about it. I mean, what else would socialists (Obama and the "Democratic" party) screw capitalists (American companies) with but commie condoms?
At least they're using a rubber.
And they used to sell condoms to the U.S. government. To the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), to be precise.
But, according to McClatchy, that's about to end:
In a move expected to cost 300 American jobs, the government is switching to cheaper off-shore condoms, including some made in China.
The switch comes despite implied assurances over the years that the agency would continue to buy American whenever possible.
"Of course, we considered how many U.S. jobs would be affected by this move,” said a USAID official who spoke on the condition that he would not be named. But he said the reasons for the change included lower prices (2 cents versus more than 5 cents for U.S.-made condoms) and the fact that Congress dropped “buy American language” in a recent appropriations bill.
Which means that the U.S. is going to be buying rubbers from the Red Chinese.
And that makes sense, if you thing about it. I mean, what else would socialists (Obama and the "Democratic" party) screw capitalists (American companies) with but commie condoms?
At least they're using a rubber.
In the war of words between the socialist president who's the darling of the Hollywood elite and the socialist president who's the darling of the Hollywood elite, put your money on the socialist president who's the darling of the Hollywood elite
Reuters reports that Hugo Chávez called Barack Obama an "ignoramus:"
"He goes and accuses me of exporting terrorism: the least I can say is that he's a poor ignoramus; he should read and study a little to understand reality," said Chavez, who heads a group of left-wing Latin American leaders opposed to the U.S. influence in the region.
It ought to be interesting to see how this one plays out.
Chávez is the darling of Hollywood. Obama is the darling of Hollywood.
In this little battle of words between the two leading socialist presidents on the American continents, who will get the support of Hollywood?
The answer is easy: it doesn't matter. Because Hollywood doesn't matter.
The dust-up between those two peas in a pod won't last long. They'll take their sights off each other soon enough.
Chávez has terrorism to export.
And Obama has basketball brackets to pick.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I remember when I ran the TiVo remote
This weekend has been a hugh role-reversal for us at the house.
The old stereotype about the guy hogging the remote? Well, pretty much the truth here at the house.
Now, truth be told, we have two TiVo remotes. The one that came with the TiVo, and a second one I bought for The Wife. Different color (lavender) so we could tell them apart.
Still, despite the fact that we both had a remote for the TiVo, I was usually the one that would hit the fast-forward through the commercials. Unless it was a Sonic commercial. I love the Sonic commercials.
Then, "Twilight" came out on DVD.
The Wife ordered it, gosh, like a month or two ago. I don't know when. Other than the day it came available for pre-order.
And, since Amazon ships the day a DVD comes out -- as opposed to, say, Apple, who delivers on the day an item comes out -- "Twilight" won't arrive at the house for several days. The Wife didn't spend anything extra on delivery.
However, to Amazon's credit, they did offer a free discount for a rental. That way, anyone to ordered "Twilight" could watch it the day it came out.
So, she sent me the code, and I punched it in on Amazon Video On Demand. And, sure enough, it showed up as available for download to the TiVo. So, we downloaded it.
After it downloaded, she pressed "play."
So, I got to watch her watch "Twilight" last night. Twice.
And, again today.
Every female she's related to came over ... not all at one time ... and they watched "Twilight."
I still haven't seen the movie. Oh, bits and pieces, to be sure. But, quite honestly, it's not the kind of movie I'd be interested in. I can't get into a movie where the hero looks like he needs a haircut and an ass-kicking.
The Wife, though, has really enjoyed watching "Twilight." And, she's run the remote. She's pressed "pause" when someone asked a question about which "good vampire" or "bad vampire" was which. Or why the girl looked paler than the vampires. And why was this scene in the movie when it wasn't in the book. And who was this guy. And so on.
She ran the remote, and seemed to enjoy it. It was a huge switch from the way things normally are.
She's really enjoyed "Twilight." So, I upgraded. We don't just have the rental (which has now expired), but we have the purchase on the TiVo. That is, it's permanently in our Amazon On Demand library. We can download it again any time we want, and don't have to pay again. She can watch "Twilight" on the TiVo any time she wants.
The DVD hasn't arrived yet. And, I'm sure she'll enjoy the "extras" that make up the second disc. But, to watch it? She doesn't need to put the DVD in the machine. Just find it on the TiVo menu, and press play.
She'll be running the remote.
And loving it.
The old stereotype about the guy hogging the remote? Well, pretty much the truth here at the house.
Now, truth be told, we have two TiVo remotes. The one that came with the TiVo, and a second one I bought for The Wife. Different color (lavender) so we could tell them apart.
Still, despite the fact that we both had a remote for the TiVo, I was usually the one that would hit the fast-forward through the commercials. Unless it was a Sonic commercial. I love the Sonic commercials.
Then, "Twilight" came out on DVD.
The Wife ordered it, gosh, like a month or two ago. I don't know when. Other than the day it came available for pre-order.
And, since Amazon ships the day a DVD comes out -- as opposed to, say, Apple, who delivers on the day an item comes out -- "Twilight" won't arrive at the house for several days. The Wife didn't spend anything extra on delivery.
However, to Amazon's credit, they did offer a free discount for a rental. That way, anyone to ordered "Twilight" could watch it the day it came out.
So, she sent me the code, and I punched it in on Amazon Video On Demand. And, sure enough, it showed up as available for download to the TiVo. So, we downloaded it.
After it downloaded, she pressed "play."
So, I got to watch her watch "Twilight" last night. Twice.
And, again today.
Every female she's related to came over ... not all at one time ... and they watched "Twilight."
I still haven't seen the movie. Oh, bits and pieces, to be sure. But, quite honestly, it's not the kind of movie I'd be interested in. I can't get into a movie where the hero looks like he needs a haircut and an ass-kicking.
The Wife, though, has really enjoyed watching "Twilight." And, she's run the remote. She's pressed "pause" when someone asked a question about which "good vampire" or "bad vampire" was which. Or why the girl looked paler than the vampires. And why was this scene in the movie when it wasn't in the book. And who was this guy. And so on.
She ran the remote, and seemed to enjoy it. It was a huge switch from the way things normally are.
She's really enjoyed "Twilight." So, I upgraded. We don't just have the rental (which has now expired), but we have the purchase on the TiVo. That is, it's permanently in our Amazon On Demand library. We can download it again any time we want, and don't have to pay again. She can watch "Twilight" on the TiVo any time she wants.
The DVD hasn't arrived yet. And, I'm sure she'll enjoy the "extras" that make up the second disc. But, to watch it? She doesn't need to put the DVD in the machine. Just find it on the TiVo menu, and press play.
She'll be running the remote.
And loving it.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Only, some didn't find it so funny.
ABC News reported Obama's attempt at humor:
Towards the end of his approximately 40-minute appearance, the president talked about how he's gotten better at bowling and has been practicing in the White House bowling alley.
He bowled a 129, the president said.
"That's very good, Mr. President," Leno said sarcastically.
It's "like the Special Olympics or something," the president said.
The audience laughed. Because The One can do no wrong.
However, if a conservative ... say, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity ... had made such a comment, there'd be calls for his firing. And a calls for advertisers to boycott his radio show. And calls for ... well, you get the idea.
But, no, it wasn't an evil conservative. It was The Messiah that said that.
The lack of outcry makes me suspect that Special Olympics humor is now okay. You can't use monkey in a joke, but you can compare someone's actions to the Special Olympics. Got it? Good.
Still, I wouldn't compare the president's bowling to the Special Olympics.
Obama's performance as president? There's a possibility.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Who would win?
In a battle between Cal Lightman and Gregory House, who would win?
It'd be a good battle. Both know when others are lying. Both like to get reactions from others to throw them off their game. But that's when they're battling others.
But, head-to-head, in a fight, who would win?
I first thought Dr. Lightman, since Dr. House is crippled. He requires a cane to walk.
Then, I thought: a cane! House would just beat Lightman with the cane.
So, now I'm not sure.
Still be a good fight. And entertaining.
It'd be a good battle. Both know when others are lying. Both like to get reactions from others to throw them off their game. But that's when they're battling others.
But, head-to-head, in a fight, who would win?
I first thought Dr. Lightman, since Dr. House is crippled. He requires a cane to walk.
Then, I thought: a cane! House would just beat Lightman with the cane.
So, now I'm not sure.
Still be a good fight. And entertaining.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hell Weekend becomes Hell Week

Got sick this weekend. Must have been something I ate. Sick Saturday, sicker Sunday, and began feeling better Monday.
Then the house fire.
Oh, not our house. But a family member who lives across the street.
The Wife's sister, her husband, and their two children came home yesterday afternoon to find their house filled with smoke and flames. The area fire departments (mostly volunteer) responded and saved the structure. That is, there appears to be no damage to the roof, and the fire was contained to the central area of the house.
There was extensive smoke and water damage. Not sure how much is salvageable. Their three inside cats weren't; they were found dead from the smoke. And all their clothes, furniture (the furniture that didn't burn, that is), and many other items will probably not be salvageable. Despite the fact they contained the fire to a relatively small area, smoke and heat were all throughout the house. Then the water damage from the fire departments' efforts to put out the fire.
I must commend the local fire departments as well as the sheriff's office for their quick response, care, and concern.
According to the investigators with the fire and sheriff's office, it looks like the fire began at the phone jack by the computer. Not the electrical outlet, which was several feet away, but at the phone jack.
Last night was recovering what could be: photos, baby books, family mementos... Then running to the store for clothes and basic necessities. And food; the fire came right before supper.
We'll see how the rest of the week goes.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Smooth Criminal
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Could It Be Magic?
There's a mall in New Zealand that's looking to drive off troublesome teens ... by playing Barry Manilow music.
If it works, I have another mission for Manilow:
A group of several dozen young people regularly spread rubbish, spray graffiti, get intoxicated, use drugs, swear and intimidate patrons at the outdoor mall, he said.
The city council, police and local property owners covering 410 businesses agree that "nice, easy listening" music like Manilow's "Can't Smile Without You," "Mandy" and other hits might change the behavior of loitering teens
If it works, I have another mission for Manilow:
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
They got their wish
Remember the recent presidential election?
Sure you do. It was in all the papers.
Anyway, there was talk about how bad the economy was, and that putting a Democrat in office -- even a raving socialist like Obama -- would bring back the Clinton economy. Remember that?
Well, guess what? It's happened.
The Dow closed this afternoon at 6725.02. It hasn't closed that low since April 21st, 1997, when it closed at 6660.21.
That's when Clinton was president.
At this rate, we'll soon be a prosperous as we were during the Roosevelt administration, where the Dow peaked at 194.40, on March 10, 1937.
Ah, the good old days.
Sure you do. It was in all the papers.
Anyway, there was talk about how bad the economy was, and that putting a Democrat in office -- even a raving socialist like Obama -- would bring back the Clinton economy. Remember that?
Well, guess what? It's happened.
The Dow closed this afternoon at 6725.02. It hasn't closed that low since April 21st, 1997, when it closed at 6660.21.
That's when Clinton was president.
At this rate, we'll soon be a prosperous as we were during the Roosevelt administration, where the Dow peaked at 194.40, on March 10, 1937.
Ah, the good old days.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Spatula Day
Yesterday was Snow Day.
Today? Spatula Day.
You see, because of the snow that was still on the car this morning, I had to do some snow removal. Not much, since we didn't get much compared to what folks up north get, but still, more than we're used to.
Anyway, the old credit card didn't do the job. Not to my satisfaction. The snow accumulated on the car was thicker than the card was wide, so my hands were cold.
So, into the house for a spatula. One of those wide ones that can be used on non-stick cookware.
Works great, too, for removing 4-6 inches of snow from a car windshield.
Ah, the spatula. We should have a National Spatula Day to honor this diverse little tool.
And a cookout.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
How do those jobs that illegal immigrants do look now?
Illegal immigration is a controversial topic. Though it shouldn't be.
I'm in favor of immigration. Heck, my ancestors came to this country ... before it was a country. They were immigrants. Hundreds of years ago, to be sure, but immigrants, nonetheless.
Same for everyone who calls the U.S. home.
But, today? Yes, I'm all in favor of people immigrating to this country. In fact, there's an immigration process. Every civilized nation on earth has an immigration process.
It's illegal immigration that I don't like.
But so many on the left get their panties in a wad if anyone opposes illegal immigration.
They seem to forget that illegal immigration is ... well, illegal. But when did laws matter to them? Unless it's a law to ban guns. They want them laws followed.
Anyway, they say to let the illegals alone. They're doing jobs that Americans don't want.
I don't doubt it.
But, the L.A. Times reports that over 10% of Californians are out of work.
I've been out of work. But, I didn't sit on my ass. I found work.
I worked temporary construction jobs. I've worked at temp agencies. I've stood in line at the Department of Labor, filling out forms and getting lists of jobs.
I was turned down for some jobs because I was "over-qualified," which means they figured I'd have worked until I found a better job.
Bottom line is, I didn't sit on my ass; I went to work. And I found work.
There's work in California. It might not be pleasant work, but work seldom is.
And, the work might be currently done by an illegal alien.
I'm in favor of immigration. Heck, my ancestors came to this country ... before it was a country. They were immigrants. Hundreds of years ago, to be sure, but immigrants, nonetheless.
Same for everyone who calls the U.S. home.
But, today? Yes, I'm all in favor of people immigrating to this country. In fact, there's an immigration process. Every civilized nation on earth has an immigration process.
It's illegal immigration that I don't like.
But so many on the left get their panties in a wad if anyone opposes illegal immigration.
They seem to forget that illegal immigration is ... well, illegal. But when did laws matter to them? Unless it's a law to ban guns. They want them laws followed.
Anyway, they say to let the illegals alone. They're doing jobs that Americans don't want.
I don't doubt it.
But, the L.A. Times reports that over 10% of Californians are out of work.
Unemployment in California shot up to its highest level in nearly 26 years in January, leaving more than 1 in 10 workers without a job.
Figures released Friday show that 79,300 jobs were lost in the state last month, bringing the total number of unemployed to 1,863,000, or 10.1% of the workforce. That's the highest since the rate touched 10.4% in 1983.
I've been out of work. But, I didn't sit on my ass. I found work.
I worked temporary construction jobs. I've worked at temp agencies. I've stood in line at the Department of Labor, filling out forms and getting lists of jobs.
I was turned down for some jobs because I was "over-qualified," which means they figured I'd have worked until I found a better job.
Bottom line is, I didn't sit on my ass; I went to work. And I found work.
There's work in California. It might not be pleasant work, but work seldom is.
And, the work might be currently done by an illegal alien.
Let it snow
I don't, anyway. That is, I'm not used to it. I'm from south Georgia, and I'm not used to snow.
But, it snowed this morning.
I got up early, and tried not to make too much noise as I turned on the TiVo.
Later in the morning, I heard a noise come from the bedroom. Then, footsteps.
The door flew open, and out came running ... The Wife.
I thought something was wrong, at first. Then, I noticed the look on her face.
She threw open the door and gazed at the snow falling.
It took her a minute to realize she had on just her nightgown. I noticed right off. Perhaps it was the cold.
I grabbed my Blackberry and snapped a shot of the snow falling on the car.
And the animals. Not just her ducks and goats, the wild birds, too.
Of course, she made some phone calls. She gets excited about snow.
I've pulled guard duty in knee-deep snow on a mountainside in Korea. I'm not a big fan of snow.
But, we're lucky here. When we get some snow, it's not a lot; just enough to cause children's eyes to widen.
And it doesn't stay long. That's the best part.
The "Best" Movies: Films I have seen
I've decided to watch all the "best" movies. If you want to know why, read this and this.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
Alphabetical listing of the movies on the "Best" Movies combined listing, that I have seen.
Related posts:
UPDATE: All done now.
Updated: December 3, 2009
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
Alphabetical listing of the movies on the "Best" Movies combined listing, that I have seen.
- 12 Angry Men
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- A Beautiful Mind
- A Clockwork Orange
- A Cry in the Dark
- A Few Good Men
- A Man for All Seasons
- A Night at the Opera
- A Place in the Sun
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- Adam's Rib
- Alien
- All About Eve
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- All the King's Men
- All the President's Men
- Amadeus
- American Beauty
- American Graffiti
- An American in Paris
- Anatomy of a Murder
- Annie Hall
- Apocalypse Now
- Around the World in 80 Days
- Back to the Future
- Bambi
- Beauty and the Beast
- Ben-Hur
- Big
- Blade Runner
- Blue Velvet
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Braveheart
- Breaking Away
- Bringing Up Baby
- Bull Durham
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
- Cabaret
- Caddyshack
- Casablanca
- Cat Ballou
- Cavalcade
- Chariots of Fire
- Chicago
- Chinatown
- Cimarron
- Cinderella
- Citizen Kane
- City Lights
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- Crash
- Dances with Wolves
- Dial M for Murder
- Do the Right Thing
- Doctor Zhivago
- Double Indemnity
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
- Driving Miss Daisy
- Duck Soup
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
- Easy Rider
- Fantasia
- Fargo
- Field of Dreams
- Finding Nemo
- Forrest Gump
- Frankenstein
- From Here to Eternity
- Gandhi
- Gentleman's Agreement
- Giant
- Gigi
- Gladiator
- Going My Way
- Gone with the Wind
- Goodfellas
- Grand Hotel
- Groundhog Day
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
- Hamlet (1948)
- Harold and Maude
- Harvey
- High Noon
- Hoosiers
- How Green Was My Valley
- In Cold Blood
- In the Heat of the Night
- Intolerance
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- It Happened One Night
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Jaws
- Jerry Maguire
- Judgment at Nuremberg
- King Kong
- Kramer vs. Kramer
- Laura
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Little Caesar
- Marty
- McCabe & Mrs. Miller
- Midnight Cowboy
- Million Dollar Baby
- Miracle on 34th Street
- Modern Times
- Moonstruck
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- Mrs. Miniver
- Mutiny on the Bounty
- My Fair Lady
- Nashville
- National Velvet
- Network
- No Country for Old Men
- North by Northwest
- Oliver!
- On the Waterfront
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Ordinary People
- Out of Africa
- Patton
- Pinocchio
- Platoon
- Psycho
- Pulp Fiction
- Raging Bull
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Rain Man
- Rear Window
- Rebecca
- Rebel Without a Cause
- Red River
- Reds
- Rocky
- Roman Holiday
- Saving Private Ryan
- Scarface (1932)
- Scarface (1983)
- Schindler's List
- Shakespeare in Love
- Shane
- Shrek
- Singin' in the Rain
- Sleepless in Seattle
- Slumdog Millionaire
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Some Like It Hot
- Sophie's Choice
- Spartacus
- Stagecoach
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Sullivan's Travels
- Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
- Sunset Boulevard
- Swing Time
- Taxi Driver
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- Terms of Endearment
- The African Queen
- The Apartment
- The Best Years of Our Lives
- The Birth of a Nation
- The Bridge on the River Kwai
- The Broadway Melody
- The Day the Earth Stood Still
- The Deer Hunter
- The Departed
- The English Patient
- The French Connection
- The General
- The Godfather
- The Godfather Part II
- The Gold Rush
- The Graduate
- The Grapes of Wrath
- The Great Ziegfeld
- The Greatest Show on Earth
- The Hustler
- The Jazz Singer
- The Last Emperor
- The Last Picture Show
- The Life of Emile Zola
- The Lion King
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
- The Lost Weekend
- The Maltese Falcon
- The Manchurian Candidate
- The Philadelphia Story
- The Pride of the Yankees
- The Public Enemy
- The Searchers
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Silence of the Lambs
- The Sixth Sense
- The Sound of Music
- The Sting
- The Ten Commandments
- The Thief of Bagdad
- The Third Man
- The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
- The Usual Suspects
- The Verdict
- The Wild Bunch
- The Wizard of Oz
- Titanic
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Tom Jones
- Tootsie
- Toy Story
- Unforgiven
- Vertigo
- West Side Story
- When Harry Met Sally...
- White Heat
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
- Wings
- Witness for the Prosecution
- Wuthering Heights
- Yankee Doodle Dandy
- You Can't Take It with You
Related posts:
- The "Best" Movies
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)
- AFI's 10 Top 10
- Academy Award® Best Picture winners
- The "Best" Movies: Alphabetical Listing
- The "Best" Movies: Ranked listing
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have seen
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have not seen
UPDATE: All done now.
Updated: December 3, 2009
The "Best" Movies, ranked listing
I've decided to watch all the "best" movies. If you want to know why, read this and this.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
Ranked combined listing of the movies that appear on "AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)," "AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)," "AFI's 10 Top 10," and "Academy Award® Best Picture winners."
Points are awarded as follows:
UPDATE: All done now.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
Ranked combined listing of the movies that appear on "AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)," "AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)," "AFI's 10 Top 10," and "Academy Award® Best Picture winners."
Points are awarded as follows:
- 100 Movies, 2007, 211-112 points
- 100 Movies, 1998, 111-12 points
- 10 Top 10, 11-2 points
- Best Picture, 1 point
- The Godfather (331)
- Lawrence of Arabia (324)
- Gone with the Wind (323)
- Citizen Kane (322)
- Casablanca (320)
- The Wizard of Oz (319)
- Schindler's List (317)
- Singin' in the Rain (309)
- Raging Bull (307)
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (306)
- It's a Wonderful Life (302)
- The Graduate (300)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (298)
- On the Waterfront (298)
- Sunset Boulevard (296)
- Chinatown (294)
- Psycho (292)
- Some Like It Hot (288)
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (284)
- All About Eve (281)
- The Grapes of Wrath (280)
- To Kill a Mockingbird (276)
- The Maltese Falcon (276)
- The Bridge on the River Kwai (276)
- High Noon (274)
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (272)
- The Godfather Part II (270)
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (269)
- Annie Hall (269)
- Apocalypse Now (266)
- Vertigo (265)
- Bonnie and Clyde (262)
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (259)
- Double Indemnity (257)
- The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (256)
- It Happened One Night (253)
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (252)
- The Best Years of Our Lives (251)
- City Lights (248)
- King Kong (248)
- Midnight Cowboy (246)
- Rear Window (243)
- The African Queen (242)
- The Philadelphia Story (236)
- North by Northwest (234)
- West Side Story (233)
- A Streetcar Named Desire (232)
- The Sound of Music (230)
- The Searchers (227)
- Taxi Driver (225)
- Jaws (220)
- Shane (219)
- A Clockwork Orange (216)
- MASH (214)
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (206)
- Rocky (200)
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (198)
- The General (194)
- Network (194)
- The Deer Hunter (193)
- Tootsie (193)
- The Gold Rush (192)
- The Silence of the Lambs (186)
- American Graffiti (185)
- Duck Soup (179)
- Forrest Gump (178)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (172)
- The Wild Bunch (171)
- Unforgiven (167)
- Modern Times (165)
- Intolerance (163)
- Ben-Hur (163)
- The French Connection (162)
- Platoon (156)
- Nashville (153)
- The Apartment (152)
- Easy Rider (152)
- Sullivan's Travels (151)
- Cabaret (149)
- Goodfellas (148)
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (145)
- Saving Private Ryan (145)
- The Shawshank Redemption (140)
- Pulp Fiction (140)
- Bringing Up Baby (139)
- In the Heat of the Night (138)
- Spartacus (138)
- Titanic (136)
- All the President's Men (135)
- 12 Angry Men (135)
- Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (130)
- A Night at the Opera (127)
- Yankee Doodle Dandy (126)
- The Sixth Sense (123)
- Swing Time (122)
- Sophie's Choice (121)
- Blade Runner (121)
- Toy Story (119)
- The Last Picture Show (117)
- Do the Right Thing (116)
- Doctor Zhivago (73)
- The Birth of a Nation (68)
- All Quiet on the Western Front (64)
- The Third Man (62)
- Fantasia (61)
- From Here to Eternity (61)
- Amadeus (60)
- Rebel Without a Cause (53)
- Stagecoach (52)
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (48)
- An American in Paris (45)
- The Manchurian Candidate (45)
- Wuthering Heights (39)
- Dances with Wolves (38)
- Giant (30)
- Fargo (28)
- Mutiny on the Bounty (27)
- Frankenstein (25)
- Patton (24)
- My Fair Lady (22)
- The Jazz Singer (22)
- A Place in the Sun (20)
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (13)
- Kramer vs. Kramer (10)
- Pinocchio (10)
- Bambi (9)
- The Pride of the Yankees (9)
- Hoosiers (8)
- Laura (8)
- Roman Holiday (8)
- The Lion King (8)
- The Verdict (8)
- White Heat (8)
- A Few Good Men (7)
- Bull Durham (7)
- Miracle on 34th Street (7)
- Red River (7)
- The Day the Earth Stood Still (7)
- Field of Dreams (6)
- Scarface (1932) (6)
- The Hustler (6)
- When Harry Met Sally... (6)
- Witness for the Prosecution (6)
- Adam's Rib (5)
- Alien (5)
- Anatomy of a Murder (5)
- Beauty and the Beast (5)
- Caddyshack (5)
- Harvey (5)
- Blue Velvet (4)
- Breaking Away (4)
- Groundhog Day (4)
- In Cold Blood (4)
- McCabe & Mrs. Miller (4)
- Moonstruck (4)
- Shrek (4)
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day (4)
- The Public Enemy (4)
- A Cry in the Dark (3)
- Cinderella (3)
- Dial M for Murder (3)
- Harold and Maude (3)
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (3)
- Little Caesar (3)
- National Velvet (3)
- Reds (3)
- The Thief of Bagdad (3)
- Back to the Future (2)
- Big (2)
- Cat Ballou (2)
- Finding Nemo (2)
- Jerry Maguire (2)
- Judgment at Nuremberg (2)
- Scarface (1983) (2)
- Sleepless in Seattle (2)
- The Ten Commandments (2)
- The Usual Suspects (2)
- A Beautiful Mind (1)
- A Man for All Seasons (1)
- All the King's Men (1)
- American Beauty (1)
- Around the World in 80 Days (1)
- Braveheart (1)
- Cavalcade (1)
- Chariots of Fire (1)
- Chicago (1)
- Cimarron (1)
- Crash (1)
- Driving Miss Daisy (1)
- Gandhi (1)
- Gentleman's Agreement (1)
- Gigi (1)
- Gladiator (1)
- Going My Way (1)
- Grand Hotel (1)
- Hamlet (1)
- How Green Was My Valley (1)
- Marty (1)
- Million Dollar Baby (1)
- Mrs. Miniver (1)
- No Country for Old Men (1)
- Oliver! (1)
- Ordinary People (1)
- Out of Africa (1)
- Rain Man (1)
- Rebecca (1)
- Shakespeare in Love (1)
- Slumdog Millionaire (1)
- Terms of Endearment (1)
- The Broadway Melody (1)
- The Departed (1)
- The English Patient (1)
- The Great Ziegfeld (1)
- The Greatest Show on Earth (1)
- The Last Emperor (1)
- The Life of Emile Zola (1)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (1)
- The Lost Weekend (1)
- The Sting (1)
- Tom Jones (1)
- Wings (1)
- You Can't Take It with You (1)
- The "Best" Movies
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)
- AFI's 10 Top 10
- Academy Award® Best Picture winners
- The "Best" Movies: Alphabetical Listing
- The "Best" Movies: Ranked listing
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have seen
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have not seen
UPDATE: All done now.
Academy Award® Best Picture winners
I've decided to watch all the "best" movies. If you want to know why, read this and this.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
UPDATE: All done now.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
Academy Award® Best Picture winners:Related posts:
- Wings
- The Broadway Melody
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- Cimarron
- Grand Hotel
- Cavalcade
- It Happened One Night
- Mutiny on the Bounty
- The Great Ziegfeld
- The Life of Emile Zola
- You Can't Take It with You
- Gone with the Wind
- Rebecca
- How Green Was My Valley
- Mrs. Miniver
- Casablanca
- Going My Way
- The Lost Weekend
- The Best Years of Our Lives
- Gentleman's Agreement
- Hamlet
- All the King's Men
- All About Eve
- An American in Paris
- The Greatest Show on Earth
- From Here to Eternity
- On the Waterfront
- Marty
- Around the World in 80 Days
- The Bridge on the River Kwai
- Gigi
- Ben
- The Apartment
- West Side Story
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Tom Jones
- My Fair Lady
- The Sound of Music
- A Man for All Seasons
- In the Heat of the Night
- Oliver!
- Midnight Cowboy
- Patton
- The French Connection
- The Godfather
- The Sting
- The Godfather Part II
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Rocky
- Annie Hall
- The Deer Hunter
- Kramer vs. Kramer
- Ordinary People
- Chariots of Fire
- Gandhi
- Terms of Endearment
- Amadeus
- Out of Africa
- Platoon
- The Last Emperor
- Rain Man
- Driving Miss Daisy
- Dances with Wolves
- The Silence of the Lambs
- Unforgiven
- Schindler's List
- Forrest Gump
- Braveheart
- The English Patient
- Titanic
- Shakespeare in Love
- American Beauty
- Gladiator
- A Beautiful Mind
- Chicago
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
- Million Dollar Baby
- Crash
- The Departed
- No Country for Old Men
- Slumdog Millionaire
- The "Best" Movies
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)
- AFI's 10 Top 10
- Academy Award® Best Picture winners
- The "Best" Movies: Alphabetical Listing
- The "Best" Movies: Ranked listing
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have seen
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have not seen
UPDATE: All done now.
AFI's 10 Top 10
I've decided to watch all the "best" movies. If you want to know why, read this and this.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
AFI's 10 Top 10. The top ten movies in 10 movie categories.
UPDATE: All done now.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
AFI's 10 Top 10. The top ten movies in 10 movie categories.
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Pinocchio
- Bambi
- The Lion King
- Fantasia
- Toy Story
- Beauty and the Beast
- Shrek
- Cinderella
- Finding Nemo
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- 12 Angry Men
- Kramer vs. Kramer
- The Verdict
- A Few Good Men
- Witness for the Prosecution
- Anatomy of a Murder
- In Cold Blood
- A Cry in the Dark
- Judgment at Nuremberg
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Ben-Hur
- Schindler's List
- Gone with the Wind
- Spartacus
- Titanic
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- Saving Private Ryan
- Reds
- The Ten Commandments
- The Wizard of Oz
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
- It's a Wonderful Life
- King Kong
- Miracle on 34th Street
- Field of Dreams
- Harvey
- Groundhog Day
- The Thief of Bagdad
- Big
- The Godfather
- Goodfellas
- The Godfather Part II
- White Heat
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Scarface (1932)
- Pulp Fiction
- The Public Enemy
- Little Caesar
- Scarface (1983)
- Vertigo
- Chinatown
- Rear Window
- Laura
- The Third Man
- The Maltese Falcon
- North by Northwest
- Blue Velvet
- Dial M for Murder
- The Usual Suspects
- City Lights
- Annie Hall
- It Happened One Night
- Roman Holiday
- The Philadelphia Story
- When Harry Met Sally...
- Adam's Rib
- Moonstruck
- Harold and Maude
- Sleepless in Seattle
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
- A Clockwork Orange
- The Day the Earth Stood Still
- Blade Runner
- Alien
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- Back to the Future
- Raging Bull
- Rocky
- The Pride of the Yankees
- Hoosiers
- Bull Durham
- The Hustler
- Caddyshack
- Breaking Away
- National Velvet
- Jerry Maguire
- The Searchers
- High Noon
- Shane
- Unforgiven
- Red River
- The Wild Bunch
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
- McCabe & Mrs. Miller
- Stagecoach
- Cat Ballou
- The "Best" Movies
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)
- AFI's 10 Top 10
- Academy Award® Best Picture winners
- The "Best" Movies: Alphabetical Listing
- The "Best" Movies: Ranked listing
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have seen
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have not seen
UPDATE: All done now.
AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)
I've decided to watch all the "best" movies. If you want to know why, read this and this.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
The American Film Institute's 100 Years, 100 Movies (original 1998 list).
UPDATE: All done now.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
The American Film Institute's 100 Years, 100 Movies (original 1998 list).
- Citizen Kane
- Casablanca
- The Godfather
- Gone with the Wind
- Lawrence of Arabia
- The Wizard of Oz
- The Graduate
- On the Waterfront
- Schindler's List
- Singin' in the Rain
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Sunset Boulevard
- The Bridge on the River Kwai
- Some Like It Hot
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- All About Eve
- The African Queen
- Psycho
- Chinatown
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- The Grapes of Wrath
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- The Maltese Falcon
- Raging Bull
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Apocalypse Now
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
- Annie Hall
- The Godfather Part II
- High Noon
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- It Happened One Night
- Midnight Cowboy
- The Best Years of Our Lives
- Double Indemnity
- Doctor Zhivago
- North by Northwest
- West Side Story
- Rear Window
- King Kong
- The Birth of a Nation
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- A Clockwork Orange
- Taxi Driver
- Jaws
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
- The Philadelphia Story
- From Here to Eternity
- Amadeus
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- The Sound of Music
- The Third Man
- Fantasia
- Rebel Without a Cause
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Vertigo
- Tootsie
- Stagecoach
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- The Silence of the Lambs
- Network
- The Manchurian Candidate
- An American in Paris
- Shane
- The French Connection
- Forrest Gump
- Ben-Hur
- Wuthering Heights
- The Gold Rush
- Dances with Wolves
- City Lights
- American Graffiti
- Rocky
- The Deer Hunter
- The Wild Bunch
- Modern Times
- Giant
- Platoon
- Fargo
- Duck Soup
- Mutiny on the Bounty
- Frankenstein
- Easy Rider
- Patton
- The Jazz Singer
- My Fair Lady
- A Place in the Sun
- The Apartment
- Goodfellas
- Pulp Fiction
- The Searchers
- Bringing Up Baby
- Unforgiven
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
- Yankee Doodle Dandy
- The "Best" Movies
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)
- AFI's 10 Top 10
- Academy Award® Best Picture winners
- The "Best" Movies: Alphabetical Listing
- The "Best" Movies: Ranked listing
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have seen
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have not seen
UPDATE: All done now.
AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)
I've decided to watch all the "best" movies. If you want to know why, read this and this.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
The American Film Institute's 100 Years, 100 Movies 10th Anniversary Edition.
UPDATE: All done now.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
The American Film Institute's 100 Years, 100 Movies 10th Anniversary Edition.
- Citizen Kane
- The Godfather
- Casablanca
- Raging Bull
- Singin' in the Rain
- Gone with the Wind
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Schindler's List
- Vertigo
- The Wizard of Oz
- City Lights
- The Searchers
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Psycho
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Sunset Boulevard
- The Graduate
- The General
- On the Waterfront
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Chinatown
- Some Like It Hot
- The Grapes of Wrath
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- High Noon
- All About Eve
- Double Indemnity
- Apocalypse Now
- The Maltese Falcon
- The Godfather Part II
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Annie Hall
- The Bridge on the River Kwai
- The Best Years of Our Lives
- The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
- The Sound of Music
- King Kong
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Midnight Cowboy
- The Philadelphia Story
- Shane
- It Happened One Night
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- Rear Window
- Intolerance
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
- West Side Story
- Taxi Driver
- The Deer Hunter
- North by Northwest
- Jaws
- Rocky
- The Gold Rush
- Nashville
- Duck Soup
- Sullivan's Travels
- American Graffiti
- Cabaret
- Network
- The African Queen
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
- Unforgiven
- Tootsie
- A Clockwork Orange
- Saving Private Ryan
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
- The Silence of the Lambs
- In the Heat of the Night
- Forrest Gump
- All the President's Men
- Modern Times
- The Wild Bunch
- The Apartment
- Spartacus
- Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
- Titanic
- Easy Rider
- A Night at the Opera
- Platoon
- 12 Angry Men
- Bringing Up Baby
- The Sixth Sense
- Swing Time
- Sophie's Choice
- Goodfellas
- The French Connection
- Pulp Fiction
- The Last Picture Show
- Do the Right Thing
- Blade Runner
- Yankee Doodle Dandy
- Toy Story
- Ben-Hur
- The "Best" Movies
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)
- AFI's 10 Top 10
- Academy Award® Best Picture winners
- The "Best" Movies: Alphabetical Listing
- The "Best" Movies: Ranked listing
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have seen
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have not seen
UPDATE: All done now.
The "Best" Movies, alphabetical listing
I've decided to watch all the "best" movies. If you want to know why, read this and this.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
Alphabetical listing of the movies that appear on "AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)," "AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)," "AFI's 10 Top 10," and "Academy Award® Best Picture winners"
UPDATE: All done now.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
Alphabetical listing of the movies that appear on "AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)," "AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)," "AFI's 10 Top 10," and "Academy Award® Best Picture winners"
- 12 Angry Men
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- A Beautiful Mind
- A Clockwork Orange
- A Cry in the Dark
- A Few Good Men
- A Man for All Seasons
- A Night at the Opera
- A Place in the Sun
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- Adam's Rib
- Alien
- All About Eve
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- All the King's Men
- All the President's Men
- Amadeus
- American Beauty
- American Graffiti
- An American in Paris
- Anatomy of a Murder
- Annie Hall
- Apocalypse Now
- Around the World in 80 Days
- Back to the Future
- Bambi
- Beauty and the Beast
- Ben-Hur
- Big
- Blade Runner
- Blue Velvet
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Braveheart
- Breaking Away
- Bringing Up Baby
- Bull Durham
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
- Cabaret
- Caddyshack
- Casablanca
- Cat Ballou
- Cavalcade
- Chariots of Fire
- Chicago
- Chinatown
- Cimarron
- Cinderella
- Citizen Kane
- City Lights
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- Crash
- Dances with Wolves
- Dial M for Murder
- Do the Right Thing
- Doctor Zhivago
- Double Indemnity
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
- Driving Miss Daisy
- Duck Soup
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
- Easy Rider
- Fantasia
- Fargo
- Field of Dreams
- Finding Nemo
- Forrest Gump
- Frankenstein
- From Here to Eternity
- Gandhi
- Gentleman's Agreement
- Giant
- Gigi
- Gladiator
- Going My Way
- Gone with the Wind
- Goodfellas
- Grand Hotel
- Groundhog Day
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
- Hamlet
- Harold and Maude
- Harvey
- High Noon
- Hoosiers
- How Green Was My Valley
- In Cold Blood
- In the Heat of the Night
- Intolerance
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- It Happened One Night
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Jaws
- Jerry Maguire
- Judgment at Nuremberg
- King Kong
- Kramer vs. Kramer
- Laura
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Little Caesar
- Marty
- McCabe & Mrs. Miller
- Midnight Cowboy
- Million Dollar Baby
- Miracle on 34th Street
- Modern Times
- Moonstruck
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- Mrs. Miniver
- Mutiny on the Bounty
- My Fair Lady
- Nashville
- National Velvet
- Network
- No Country for Old Men
- North by Northwest
- Oliver!
- On the Waterfront
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Ordinary People
- Out of Africa
- Patton
- Pinocchio
- Platoon
- Psycho
- Pulp Fiction
- Raging Bull
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Rain Man
- Rear Window
- Rebecca
- Rebel Without a Cause
- Red River
- Reds
- Rocky
- Roman Holiday
- Saving Private Ryan
- Scarface (1932)
- Scarface (1983)
- Schindler's List
- Shakespeare in Love
- Shane
- Shrek
- Singin' in the Rain
- Sleepless in Seattle
- Slumdog Millionaire
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Some Like It Hot
- Sophie's Choice
- Spartacus
- Stagecoach
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Sullivan's Travels
- Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
- Sunset Boulevard
- Swing Time
- Taxi Driver
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- Terms of Endearment
- The African Queen
- The Apartment
- The Best Years of Our Lives
- The Birth of a Nation
- The Bridge on the River Kwai
- The Broadway Melody
- The Day the Earth Stood Still
- The Deer Hunter
- The Departed
- The English Patient
- The French Connection
- The General
- The Godfather
- The Godfather Part II
- The Gold Rush
- The Graduate
- The Grapes of Wrath
- The Great Ziegfeld
- The Greatest Show on Earth
- The Hustler
- The Jazz Singer
- The Last Emperor
- The Last Picture Show
- The Life of Emile Zola
- The Lion King
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
- The Lost Weekend
- The Maltese Falcon
- The Manchurian Candidate
- The Philadelphia Story
- The Pride of the Yankees
- The Public Enemy
- The Searchers
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Silence of the Lambs
- The Sixth Sense
- The Sound of Music
- The Sting
- The Ten Commandments
- The Thief of Bagdad
- The Third Man
- The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
- The Usual Suspects
- The Verdict
- The Wild Bunch
- The Wizard of Oz
- Titanic
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Tom Jones
- Tootsie
- Toy Story
- Unforgiven
- Vertigo
- West Side Story
- When Harry Met Sally...
- White Heat
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
- Wings
- Witness for the Prosecution
- Wuthering Heights
- Yankee Doodle Dandy
- You Can't Take It with You
- The "Best" Movies
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)
- AFI's 10 Top 10
- Academy Award® Best Picture winners
- The "Best" Movies: Alphabetical Listing
- The "Best" Movies: Ranked listing
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have seen
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have not seen
UPDATE: All done now.
The "Best" Movies (updated)
I've decided to watch all the "best" movies. If you want to know why, read this.
But, after posting about it, I've had questions for the lists. So, here they are:
Here are the combined lists:
I hope you find the lists useful.
UPDATED: I have now seen them all.
But, after posting about it, I've had questions for the lists. So, here they are:
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007 list)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (original 1998 list)
- AFI's 10 Top 10
- Academy Award® Best Picture winners
Here are the combined lists:
I hope you find the lists useful.
UPDATED: I have now seen them all.
The "Best" Movies: Films I have not seen
I've decided to watch all the "best" movies. If you want to know why, read this and this.
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
Alphabetical listing of the movies on the "Best" Movies combined listing, that I have not seen.
Related posts:
Updated: December 3, 2009
Here is one of the lists mentioned in those posts...
Alphabetical listing of the movies on the "Best" Movies combined listing, that I have not seen.
A Beautiful MindA Cry in the DarkAdam's RibAll the King's MenAmadeusAround the World in 80 DaysBreaking AwayCabaretCavalcadeChicagoChinatownCimarronCity LightsCrashDances with WolvesDo the Right ThingDoctor ZhivagoFantasiaFargoField of DreamsFrom Here to EternityGandhiGentleman's AgreementGiantGladiatorGoing My WayGrand HotelGuess Who's Coming to DinnerHamlet (1948)Harold and MaudeHoosiersHow Green Was My ValleyIn the Heat of the NightIntoleranceJerry MaguireJudgment at NurembergLauraMcCabe & Mrs. MillerMidnight CowboyMillion Dollar BabyModern TimesMr. Smith Goes to WashingtonMrs. MiniverMutiny on the BountyNashvilleNo Country for Old MenOne Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestOrdinary PeopleOut of AfricaPlatoonRebel Without a CauseSaving Private RyanScarfaceSchindler's ListShakespeare in LoveShaneSlumdog MillionaireSophie's ChoiceSpartacusSullivan's TravelsSunrise: A Song of Two HumansSwing TimeTaxi DriverTerms of EndearmentThe Best Years of Our LivesThe Birth of a NationThe Broadway MelodyThe Deer HunterThe DepartedThe English PatientThe Gold RushThe Greatest Show on EarthThe Last EmperorThe Life of Emile ZolaThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingThe Lost WeekendThe Philadelphia StoryThe Pride of the YankeesThe Thief of BagdadThe Third ManThe Wild BunchTo Kill a MockingbirdTom JonesWhen Harry Met Sally...Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?WingsWuthering Heights
Related posts:
- The "Best" Movies
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (2007)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Movies (1998)
- AFI's 10 Top 10
- Academy Award® Best Picture winners
- The "Best" Movies: Alphabetical Listing
- The "Best" Movies: Ranked listing
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have seen
- The "Best" Movies: Films I have not seen
Updated: December 3, 2009
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