Saturday, January 7, 2017

I got better

After a bout with ... well, whatever it was ... I'm much better now. Actually, I've been better for a bit. Only, it was one of those things where I wasn't sure if I'd suddenly relapse or otherwise need to see the inside of a hospital again. But, I'm pretty sure I'm better. I even have the word from a doctor that I'm doing better.

Briefly, I was hospitalized ... twice, or maybe three times ... with the same symptoms but for apparently different reasons.

First time, I passed out at work on a Friday, possibly from food poisoning. The following Monday, a visit to the doctor turned into a visit to the hospital, and a stay for a few days because of an apparent intestinal blockage. After a few days out, and a quick return to a normal diet, I went back in on Christmas Day with the same symptoms, but with no blockage found.

So far, there has been no definite reason found for all this, which means it could be a combination of things, or a thing still not determined. I'm going with a combination: food poisoning, followed by a temporary blockage exacerbated by a hernia, followed by my body not ready to process regular food.

I've continued my soft diet -- mostly stuff that you can either either with a spoon or with no utensils -- and slowly adding items from my normal diet. So far, so good.

Now, all that explanation accomplished one thing: it gave me time to think about what it is I really want to say. I want to say "thank you" to all that expressed concerns and offered prayers, kind words and thoughts, and wished me well.

Thank you. Thank you so much.


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