The MacBook is down. Again.
That's twice. Since I got it in early August.
No, I'm not a happy camper.
Shut the MacBook down yesterday prior to heading to work. Brought it with me, so that, at lunch, I could get online and check some stuff.
At lunch, I turned the MacBook on, and ... nothing.
Okay, not nothing.
Got the white/gray screen with the Apple logo, and the little "busy wheel" or whatever that thing's called.
And nothing more.
Initial diagnosis was an operating system problem. According to the Apple-authorized technician I spoke with, some Leopard upgrades (and mine game with Tiger -- OS X 10.4 -- and was upgraded to Leopard -- OSX 10.5) had similar issues.
So, since I didn't have my Leopard disks with me, he gave me instructions that I could use when I got home.
And, following those instructions (an Archive and Reinstall, which is essentially a re-installation of the operating system, keeping current settings), I discovered there was no hard drive being recognized.
A couple of months ago, the hard drive went out. Lost everything.
Now, it seems there may be another hard drive issue.
I got all my disks with me to take when I go by the Apple repair place at lunch.
You know, I really do like my MacBook.
When it works.
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