Episode 802: The Leech Woman
First aired: Sci-Fi Channel on 8 February 1997
Availability: MST3KVideos.com fan copy
No leeches were harmed in the making of this film. |
I'm not sure because when I watched it again this week as part of my "watch 'em all" project, I didn't manage to watch it uninterrupted. So, I don't know if the interruptions are what made it hard to get through, or if it being hard to get through caused me to be more open to interruptions.
Whatever the case, my watching it this time was painful. And long. Took three days. Or four. They all seem to run together.
Still, I can't put my finger on what I didn't like. They did a good job on the riffing. I found that I laughed, at least. And the host segments were so-so. So, maybe that's it. I just never did get into the whole Planet of the Apes thing. Loved the movie, but, oh, I don't know. The MST3K segments just didn't cut it for me. So far, at least. I really don't remember these host segments, though the movie is more familiar.
Oh, wait. I know why.
Used to be, when they'd leave the theater for the commercials or Host Segments, I'd do my commercial breaks. Grab something to drink or a snack or something. So, I didn't always watch the Host Segments during the this season. Don't know why. Oh, well.
Mala is old. | Later, Mala is young. |
At first, June is old. | Then she becomes young. | Then she's even older. |
Still, the riffing was fine. Maybe it's the Host Segments. I never did care much for the Nanites. This time around, they've been in two episodes, and I haven't warmed to them yet.
Maybe it's the Ape Planet.
Whatever it is, this episode just didn't do it for me. Not a bad episode. That is, I wouldn't dread watching it again. It just ... oh, I don't know. It just didn't all come together.
Maybe the next time I watch it, it'll be better.
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