Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day 2008

Today is Veteran's Day. It began as Armistice Day, noting the the end of the first world war, November 11, 1918. In the 1950s, it was expanded to become a day to honor all U. S. veterans. This country has been honored by the service of many, many men and women over the years, serving in the uniforms of our country. We should honor them, remembering all those that served, especially those that gave their lives in that service. As a veteran, I'm honored to have worn my country's uniform. As a citizen, I want to honor those that are wearing that uniform today.


  1. It seems weird that this falls only one week after the country turned away from its roots that y'all fought and died for. And it is sad that I feel that way. But, thanks a million, Basil. Salute.

  2. We are lucky to have some good people serving our country. God bless all of them!

  3. Thanks, Basil. And to all of our brothers and sisters who served...

  4. Thank you for your service, Basil.


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