Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) has moved the two rifles that she kept under the bed to protect her upstate New York home, her spokesman Matt Canter said Monday.
"Given that the location of the guns has been disclosed, they have been moved for security reasons," Canter said.
That's silly.
They're saying that now that people know where she keeps them, it's a problem.
I don't understand the problem.
If we had a female Senator in, say, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, or some other southern state, and if she kept her guns under her bed, she'd not only tell the reporter doing an interview, she'd have a sign up in the yard warning anyone who dared try unauthorized entry into the home.
Heck, there are eight shoulder-fired weapons (rifles and shotguns) and two hand-held weapons in my bedroom. Yes, they're loaded.
I guess that means I can't be a Senator from New York.
Their loss.
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