Episode 301: Cave Dwellers
First aired: Comedy Central on 1 June 1991
Availability: iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Amazon DVD (Volume 2), Rhino (Volume 2/out of print), MST3KVideos.com
We all had the same reaction to the film |
Essentially, the movie was cancelled, but production of the movie was not. Which meant that they still had a film to make, the set and some costumes were already paid for, so...
Brandon seemed to have a good humor about it. And, from what I've read, the actor that played the hero, Miles O'Keeffe, enjoyed the MST3K riffing of the show, indicating he has a sense of humor about it, too.
It's hard to hate a movie like that. But not impossible.
The Frank Zappa/Freddy Mercury villain wears a bird on his head |
There's the villain (played by the actor mentioned above). Joel & the Bots thought he was a John Saxon-type, but I thought he looked like Frank Zappa and Freddy Mercury's love child.
The time-frame is unclear. I think it's post-apocalyptic, but I'm not sure. It would explain the hang-glider scene. I think.
There's no hot Japanese she-villain, but there is a Canadian heroine, which is close enough.
She's trapped in a bad movie |
Oh, and an H-bomb explodes, for some reason.
Put all that together and what do you have? Fodder for J&tB. They have some fun with this one.
You wonder if drugs were involved in the making of this movie. I think they alluded to that with one riff in particular: "How much kief is in this movie?" "Miles O'Keeffe."
Lots of things that just seem so out of place. It must have been hard to riff those. You just have to laugh or ask, what's that got to do with anything?
What's up with the hang glider? | What's up with the H-bomb? |
The closing credits had a major change. No longer is "villains" misspelled. It simply went away.
Credits from Season Two | Credits from Season Three |
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