Episode 604: Zombie Nightmare
First aired: Comedy Central on 24 November 1994
Availability: iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Amazon (Volume 15), Shout Factory (Volume 15), Best Brains (Volume 15)
Nightmare, indeed. |
There's a reason. The MST3K crew was doing a tour of college campus and was using this episode. So, it was held from air until the Thanksgiving Marathon in 1994.
A few other episodes were aired out of production order, too. I haven't found a reason for that, just an explanation of why this one aired so far out of order.
This is one of those where, upon first watching, I totally missed a plot point. Not for the episode, but for the actual movie that Mike & the Bots were watching.
So, where do you want the body? |
Young Tony watches Tony's Dad get killed by a couple of teens when Tony's Dad stops some '60s Teens from raping a Teen Girl, then later is Adult Tony and has a large bat and stops a robbery but is run down by a later group of teens but rather than call an ambulance, the store owner takes Adult Tony's body to Tony's Mom's yard, so Tony's Mom contacts a local Voodoo Priestess who resurrects Adult Tony to take revenge, so all the Tony-killing Teens are murdered by Zombie Tony, along with a Parent of one of the Tony-killing Teens, all the while a Young Detective is trying to solve the grisly murders, but Police Chief Adam West is interfering with the investigation until at the end, when we discover that Police Chief Adam West is one of the '60s Teens who tried to rape the Teen Girl, who grew up to be Voodoo Priestess, which is why Voodoo Priestess had Zombie Tony avenge not only Tony's killing, but Tony's Dad's killing, but Police Chief Adam West kills Voodoo Priestess in the cemetery but before he can kill Young Detective, Tony's Dad comes out of his grave and drags Police Chief Adam West to hell. The end.
Adult Tony and his big bat. | Zombie Tony wields a bat. |
Tia Carrere is in this movie. So, no, it wasn't all bad. | "So, hell's right there?" "Yes, that's why you should call before you dig." |
M&tB didn't really really mention these odd plot twists. Crow asked "Is that true?" just before Police Chief Adam West confirm the truth, so it was more of a playing with the movie than focusing on the plot point.
Still, things like that are part of what make it a bad movie, and what makes it MST3K fodder.
M&tB had fun with it, and with some goofy Host Segments.
Overall, it was a fun episode.
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