Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Good one

Okay, but this joke has gone on long enough.

This clown being president? That's a joke, right? Well, it's not funny. April Fools Day would be a good time for everyone to come clean and admit that they've been pulling one over on me.

I bit. I actually believed that this country could elect someone as incompetent as Barack Obama. But, I really should have known better. There's no way Americans are that stupid. But, you got me. I fell for it. Good one.

Now, joke's over. Let's get back to to normal now.


  1. You were hoodwinked, Basil.


    Welcome to the world... of the... stupid.

  2. Don't feel bad, Basil, I been biting on this one every April 1st since 2009. I can't believe I'm so gullible sometimes...

  3. I never fell for this one. I mean, the guy doesn't even have a real birth certificate.

  4. "There’s no way Americans are that stupid."

    Oh YES there IS...2008 and 2012 are hallmarks of American stupidity. Snark away, people, but the dumb outnumber the smart, and with the push for legalizing weed it's only going to help make more dumb, gullible people who will elect more snake oil salesmen like ol' jug ears there.

  5. Spot on, Tater.

    Every time I travel to Seattle, the decreasing IQ there is almost palpable.

    Seattle - The Emerald Pot City

  6. You F-ed up. You trusted us.


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