My older bumper sticker was ... well ... in need of replacing.
Okay, it was a window sticker. And it was way out-of-date.
And sort of lame, as I mentioned at the time:
Now, yes, I know, it's pretty lame to keep a bumper (or window) sticker up after the election. And I'm lame for still having it up.Well, it's now 916 days since the election, and I finally took the McCain sticker down.
But, I want to let people know this: I did not vote for Barack Obama.
Leaving the McCain sticker on was a way of saying that. But, it's still lame to have an election sticker after the election. Particularly 540 days after the election.
I got a lot of suggestions, both at my little blog and at IMAO.
While some of them were excellent suggestions, I waited.
Well, the wait is over. I now have my new sticker.
It's actually a bumper sticker. But, being me, I put it on the window.
And, since it's sticker supporting Herman Cain, I expect I'll be called a racist, too.
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