We're half-way through Season Zero. Actually, more than half-way. Or something. There were 21 KTMA episodes of MST3K, but the first three of those are "lost" -- no fan copies exist. So, of the 18 episodes that do exist, we've covered nine of those, with nine more.
Episode K13: SST - Death Flight
First aired: KTMA on 19 February 1989
Availability: MST3KVideos.com
Remember the disaster movies from the 1970s that featured an "all-star cast?" This is one of those. Disasters, I mean.
"Wow. Look at that wingspan." |
My buddy Mad Max saw this episode and said it looked like "they just tipped over the TV Star Coffee Can and poured them all into this one."
What could make this TV movie even better? Have Joel, Crow, & Servo trash it! Either that or it be the European version of this film where Misty Rowe shows her boobies. Guess which one we're doing? That's right: Joel & the Bots ravage the film. No Misty Rowe boobage.
Dr. Forrester is back from Las Vegas. |
They jump straight into the movie -- so fast, Joe only has time for a spit-take -- and the voyage is underway.
The whole soap opera storyline is set up with all of the characters introduced, with their relationships and former relationships explained. Most of them, anyway. And, J&tB do their standard comments on each.
- Mike Brady!
- Oh, I get it!
- Misty Rowe ... Wow, look at that wingspan.
- I wonder how Cindy and Jan are doing? They’re in the luggage compartment. In four different suitcases.
- This movie’s got more stars than that two-hour episode when the Love Boat went to Fantasy Island.
"The trouble with being a legend: most people think you're already dead." -- the late Burgess Meredith. |
Fortunately (*SPOILER ALERT*) the plane crashes at the end. However, some people survive.
You can't have everything.
Again, in the episode, Servo makes another Yul Brynner "don't smoke" reference. Josh Weinstein loves that gag.
The host segments were funny. Servo got to feel pain, the Bots got to do a limbo contest, and Gypsy got a new voice. Okay, she didn't; it was Servo playing a gag on Joel. Think that one through.
Good episode. Not a good movie, but that's the idea. The episode was funny, though. And that's enough enough.
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