Episode 1008: Final Justice
First aired: Sci-Fi Channel on 20 June 1999
Availability: iTunes, Amazon Instant Video
"Just one more justice, please!" |
"May the Force be with you."
"Say 'hello' to my little friend!"
"I'll be back."
"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."
You know all of those movie catch phrases. They're lines from their particular movie that caught on with the public. They weren't necessarily planned to be catchphrases, but they worked out that way.
One of the times the sheriff dies. |
Yeah, that's not quite ... well, it's just not quite. It's the one that was supposed to be the catchphrase from Final Justice
It's a Joe Don Baker film, which means M&tB are going to savage it. I kinda think they didn't like Joe Don Baker. I'm pretty sure they don't like Joe Don Baker films, but it does seem like it's as much Joe Don Baker as the films they don't like.
How hero at work. |
So, were M&tB a little unfair in their treatment of Joe Don Baker? I think so. But then, again, it's kinda what they do. Or did. Actually, still do, just not on MST3K.
Now, while their particular jabs at Joe Don Baker were, I think, unfair, the jabs at the movie in general were well-deserved.
Joe Don Baker is Thomas Jefferson Geronimo (pronounced with an "h" sound, not a soft "g" sound), a Texas deputy sheriff who, when his sheriff is gunned down twice (once by the killers, once by the editors), is selected to transport the killer to Italy for some reason, rather than face Texas justice, but, along the way, the plane is diverted to Malta, where Palermo, or whatever the killer's name is, escapes and Geronimo hunts for him amongst the bars and the shops and the parades, killing all kinds of people in the process, making Captain Renault or whatever the Maltese police chief's name is, a little upset and causing international incidents and such, but he ends up killing the bad guy but thankfully, doesn't get the girl. The end.
"You think you can take me? Go ahead on. It’s your move." |
The Host Segments are kinda silly, but all work. The Owner of a Lonely Heart bits are pure silly, but pure fun, too.
The mandatory fun decreed by Pearl? I loved it, because I hate mandatory fun. M&tB turning it on her was great. I wish I could do that.
The scene where the sheriff was killed and he slid down the wall twice was actually not in the original movie. When the movie was edited for TV, that unfortunate incident occurred, and, since MST3K always used the TV edit of a movie, that's what they got.
Mike thinks it's his turn to escape. | Observer has a date. |
This is a great episode.
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