Episode 1010: IT Lives by Night
First aired: Sci-Fi Channel on 18 July 1999
Availability: MST3KVideos.com fan copy
Emphasis on the "IT" |
This movie was released under the name The Bat People
I'm not sure why it was ever called The Bat People
Dr. Scientist and Mary Tyler Moore. |
On his honeymoon, a scientisty fellow wants to go spelunking, and no, that's not a euphemism, so he takes his Mary Tyler Moore-like wife on a group tour (again, not a euphemism) but she gets all horny, so they run off to do some spelunking of their own (yes, that is a euphemism), but she falls into a hole and gets bugs on her, so Dr. Scientist jumps in after her and then a bat attacks and gets caught in her Mary Tyler Moore-do but Dr. Scientist gets the bat out (not a euphemism) but the bat bites him, and Mary Tyler Moore kicks the bat carcass away, so Dr. Scientist doesn't know if it's rabid or not, so he goes to see Dr. Groovy who give him a rabies shot, and Dr. Scientist goes all, well, batty, and then, when no one is looking, turns into a bat or something and kills people, so local sheriffy-type who's called "sergeant" suspects Dr. Scientist, but doesn't get anyone to believe him until Dr. Scientist steals an ambulance and kills Emmett Kelly but then the sergeant is killed by bats and the wife wanders off into the caves to be with her bat-husband. The end.
Dr. Scientist and Emmett Kelly. |
Oh, we do find out about many of Pearl's husbands. Yes, she had a few. Most died of natural causes, such as shotgun blast, which, naturally causes death.
This isn't a bad episode. It's just not a killer episode. Well, except for all the killing. But, you know what I mean.
A good episode, with lots of fun riffing, some lame riffing, and some pretty good Host Segments.
Still, I have the feeling that, in a year from now, if I call up this episode and watch it, I won't have remembered much about it.
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