Monday, January 28, 2013

Fill 'er up, eh?

Photo: Canadian Space Agency
An orbiting robot gas station ran a successful test refueling of a mock satellite. That's the word from a report this past week:
Dextre, a twin-armed robot from Canada, topped off the fuel tank in the mockup, showing how satellites' life can be extended, according to the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).

Operating on the Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM) module, Dextre removed safety caps and cut through retaining wires before transferring liquid ethanol to the mockup, which is about the size of a washing machine.
That's right. The Canadian Space Agency. Not NASA.

Now, I have nothing against our friends to the north. I've not spent a lot of time in Canada, but have visited. The places I went were nice. The only problem I found is they don't know how to make breakfast sausage. Every breakfast I ate there has sausage that tasted like sawdust.

And now, a country that can't even make breakfast right is able to make robot gas stations in space while the U.S. space program is canceling programs and focusing on Muslim outreach.

I'm thinking we wouldn't be in this situation if we had an American president. Or Democrats who actually loved America.


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