And that's the problem with the Republican party. As anyone on the left, or in the traditional media, will tell you, the GOP is the party of old white men.
And they're right. Just look at these prominent Republicans.
Let's start with Republican Party chairman Michael Steele:

Old White Man
Look at the two GOP politicians that have ignite the most passion in Republican followers. First, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin:

Old White Man
Next, Minnesota 6th District Representative Michele Bachmann:

Old White Man
And, it's not just the party politicians, it's those in the media. Take a look at two of the major Republican pundits that appear most on news shows.
First, Michelle Malkin:

Old White Man
Then, there's Ann Coulter:

Old White Man
It's old white men like these that are holding the Republican party back. Until the GOP takes actions to make itself more diverse, they'll never be taken seriously again.
More Old White Men, as suggested by others...
IMAO commenter Jimmy suggests:
Conservative Christian entertainer AlfonZo Rachel (Zo)

Old White Man
Author and talk show host Laura Ingraham

Old White Man
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal

Old White Man
IMAO commenter Alice H suggests:
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski

Old White Man
Communications strategist Dana Perino

Old White Man
IMAO commenter Dohtimes suggests:
Talk show host Dana Loesch

Old White Man
IMAO commenter shiggz suggests:
Actress Patricia Heaton

Old White Man
Harvey suggests:
Former Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice

Old White Man
Stanford University Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Dr. Thomas Sowell

Old White Man
Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas

Old White Man
George Mason University Professor of Economics Dr. Walter Williams

Old White Man
Condi Rice
ReplyDeleteThomas Sowell
Clarence Thomas
Walter Williams