Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I can go back to blogging now

I said the other day that I've been busy. Busy at work ... working. And busy at home ... playing Angry Birds.

I'm not playing Angry Birds anymore. Because I've beaten the darn thing. At least, as far as there is to go right now: three stars on levels one through ten, plus all 15 golden eggs (and stars).

Three stars on Angry Birds level one.

Three stars on Angry Birds level two.

Three stars on Angry Birds level three.

Three stars on Angry Birds level four.

Three stars on Angry Birds level five.

Three stars on Angry Birds level six.

Three stars on Angry Birds level seven.

Three stars on Angry Birds level eight.

Three stars on Angry Birds level nine.

Three stars on Angry Birds level ten.

Angry Birds level eleven isn't available yet.

Fifteen Golden eggs (and stars).

Yes, I totally rule.


  1. For the amount of money we're paying you, we expect a lot more content. Get back to blogging! ;)

  2. Inno's right! But, I'm thinking that if you need a real distraction from blogging, you oughta go corch your Bulldogs...or my Tigers.

    The pay is a good bit better, and I'm sure you could do a MUCH better job than those other guys.

  3. Well, then, since you beat the game, and want to work, I certainly won't tell you about similar computer games like Castle Clout and Crush The Castle. Wouldn't want you to get hooked or anything :D

  4. You need a game which teaches you:
    ... of course "Cannon Challenge 2 HD" is on the iPad.



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