Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama sings the Beach Boys

Aruba, Jamaica, I really hope they take ya,

Bermuda, Bahama, do it for Obama

Palau or Montego, please take 'em now, Amigo


Off the Florida Keys

There's this place Guantanamo

That's where you used to go

When our troops captured you all.

Bodies in the sand,

Of your buddies would would raise a hand

Against our troops in the war

But you surrenedered and were taken then

To Guantanamo


Aruba, Jamaica, I really hope they take ya,

Bermuda, Bahama, do it for Obama

Palau or Montego, please take 'em now, Amigo

Ooh we've got to move you from Guantanamo,

We'll close it fast

Without a plan, don't you know,

Because we said that we would close

It down, Guantanamo.

Martinique, please take this terror sheik...

We'll do it soon, you'll see,

No later than January

By and by we'll defy

The situation's gravity.

Terrorists' delight,

We'll make it easy for them to fight.

That dreamy look in my eye,

Makes people wonder if I might be high

To close Guantanamo


Aruba, Jamaica, I really hope they take ya,

Bermuda, Bahama, do it for Obama

Palau or Montego, please take 'em now, Amigo

From Guantanamo.

We'll close it fast

Without a plan, don't you know,

Because we're going to close

It down, Guantanamo.

Port au Prince, don't make me give more hints...

Everybody knows this little place Guantanamo

It's where the worst of them go and kept away from us all

Down in Guantanamo


Aruba, Jamaica, I really hope they take ya,

Bermuda, Bahama, do it for Obama

Palau or Montego, please take 'em now, Amigo

From Guantanamo.

We'll close it fast

Without a plan, don't you know,

Because we're going to close

It down, Guantanamo.

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