- Remember when Perez Hilton was gay, and not totally gay? Me, neither. #
- SC Gov Sanford records a song: "Don't Lie For Me, Argentina" #
- Just because Sanford was in Argentina doesn't mean he wasn't hiking naked. They do that in Argentina. At least, I do. #
- Monkey pees on president of Zambia http://tinyurl.com/m3cxan We have found the perfect gift for Obama #tcot #
- So, was Sanford in Argentina, or in Angie and Tina? #
- Obama ends "hot dog diplomacy" with Iran. He's still a weenie regarding Iran. #tcot #
- Thanks, Mark Sanford. Now, I'll never get the Wife to let me fly down to Argentina for the weekend! #tcot #
- What I find interesting is that Sanford couldn't find any women in SC he'd like to screw around with. #tcot #
- So, will the people of SC tell Sanford to do what he said he was going to do: take a hike? #tcot #
- Okay, it's official. Columbus needs more jackass parking. Too many jackasses are driving when they should be parked. #
- Sitting in the River Center in Columbus, waiting for the Miss Georgia pageant (first of four nights) to start. #
- Some of the Miss GA judges did pace their hand over their heart during the National Anthem. Probably Obama voters. #
- Some of the Miss GA judges did NOT place their hand over their heart during the National Anthem. Probably Obama voters. #tcot #
- Miss Columbus Teen sings in Miss GA pageant http://sml.vg/lX64l4 #
- I've never seen "Amazing Grace" performed as a dance/baton/gymnastics routine before. Until now. #MissGA #
- What the hell is a "Fergie," why does she bugger up classic songs, and why to teens listen to her? #MissGA #
- Frau Blucher #MissGA #
- Seriously, the violinst was great #MissGA #
- Hill Street Blues theme for background music during questions. I'm waiting on LaRue and Mayo to ask them. #MissGA #
- Teens are done for the night. #MissGA #
- Berlusconi in a sex scandal? http://tr.im/pFqy I thought if an Italian politician didn't have a girlfriend, they issued him one #
Follow me at http://twitter.com/basilsblog.
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