You may remember that last summer, the Wife and I went to a wedding in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida.
But you may not know events that happened since then.
The bride, who was a good friend of the Wife, eventually became a mother. Addison was born earlier this year.
And while that sounds like a happy story ... and it is ... it took a tragic turn.
Addison, the baby, was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), an often fatal disease. And Addison died on July 25.
I had never heard of SMA before Addison was diagnosed. But I've heard of it now.
And the Wife and I are supporting a walk for SMA that the FSMA is sponsoring in Birmingham on September 29. And we're asking you to consider it, too.
If you can afford to give a few dollars, it would be a big help. I'm not so much concerned with Jennifer reaching her fund-raising goal as I am trying to get a little bit of money raised to help fight SMA. So, if you can spare a couple of bucks, consider donating to that cause.
We won't get little Addison back. But we might eventually keep another family from going through that.
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